术语:FAQ;发音:fack or eff-ay-q 术语:Freethem.K;发音:free-thum-KAY(do not pronounce the dot) 术语:FUD;发音:fud 术语:gibibyte;发音:GIH-bee-bite 术语:GIF;发音:giff(with a hard "g" as in goat) or jiff(as int the peanut butter) 术语:GNOME;发音:GUH-nome or nome(rhymes with home)...
术语:Freethem.K;发音:free-thum-KAY(do not pronounce the dot) 术语:FUD;发音:fud 术语:gibibyte;发音:GIH-bee-bite 术语:GIF;发音:giff(with a hard "g" as in goat) or jiff(as int the peanut butter) 术语:GNOME;发音:GUH-nome (参见官方解释:http://zenii.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-...
术语:Freethem.K;发音:free-thum-KAY(do not pronounce the dot) 术语:FUD;发音:fud 术语:gibibyte;发音:GIH-bee-bite 术语:GIF;发音:giff(with a hard "g" as in goat) or jiff(as int the peanut butter) 术语:GNOME;发音:GUH-nome(参见官方解释:http://zenii.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-fa...
What is a GIF? Learn how to use GIFs in social media to market your brand’s unique personality and create a close connection with your audience.
You may have ideas for the grandest of GIFs, but maybe you don't know how to make that dream a reality. No need to worry: This simple tutorial should guide you through the process of making top-notch GIFs, even if we can't definitively tell you how to pronounce it. ...
doi:http://gadgetopia.com/post/3892Deane BarkerBlend Interactive
How do you pronounce GIF? Most people pronounce them with a "g", like in give. When asked how to pronounce GIF, the creator, Steve Wilhite, indicated he wanted it to be JIF pronounced with a "j". However, that was too similar to Jiff, the popular brand of peanut butter. It is of...
GIFs are gaining ground right behind memes, both in the personal and professional realm. Whether you pronounce it with a hard G (the correct way) or with a soft G, a GIF is an animated image with no sound that lasts a few seconds and plays on a continuous loop. ...
In pronouncing an abbreviation or reading it aloud, the pronouncer may want to convert the abbreviation into the long form for the understanding of a listener (for example, reading "wireless LAN" for "WLAN").
bringing the GIF to the world, Steve Wilhite and his soft-G approach which is likened to the pronunciation of it as 'jif' as in Jif®™ brand peanut butter. The other fighter goes by the name ofVox Populiand hails from Parts Unknown, where his people pronounce GIF with a hard G....