[00:10:12] Julian Walker: You're familiar. [00:10:12] Jordan Harbinger: Really unfortunate. I'm not, but I just assume it's spelled like a gape and that's funnier than caving into their BS, making me pronounce things like that. I don't do, I don't do, what are those called...
the Cubs fans inhaling with excitement, exhaling disappointment when they failed to recognize his name. I obliged with stories of my father’s legendary teammates, accepted shots from strangers enamored by even this tangential link to their Boys of Summer idols. ...
Washington brought out Harris’ two young nieces, who taught the crowd to pronounce “Kamala” like “Comma” and then “La.” It quickly led to calls and responses of “Comma” from one side of the room and “La” from the other. Tony Goldwyn, Washington’s former Scandal ...
After all, it’s the time of year when a group of believers pronounce a man never seen in public as a saviour who promises a better future. /jlne.ws/3v5xaqk UK FCA rules out extension of post-Brexit licensing regime; Financial regulator says it will clear outstanding cases before the ...
Do keep it short and sweet, easy to pronounce, and easy to spell. Make sure it rolls off the tongue and the fingers. Don’t use numbers or hyphens or overly complex, difficult-to-spell words. According to one of the angel investors behind Uber, “If you have to spell it over the ...
AAS Winner– I pronounce this “Aye-us” like a southern belle dabbling into booty talk. I’m classy like that. If you see “AAS Winner” it means that variety was recognized by the basically independent non-profit, All American Selections. For 80 years, their mission has been to find ...
Now, Mark, it's M-O-R-R-E-L-L. I would pronounce that Morrell, but if you don't, I respect that. I'm doing my best here. This one, Mark is capturing some of my favorite themes all in a single note; investing, games, family, and Foolish wisdom. Let's get started. Hey ...