Once you’re ready to eat your dandelions, make sure to wash them thoroughly. They can be stored in the refrigerator for a week — sometimes wrapping the greens in a damp paper towel keeps them fresh longer. You can use the raw root to make dandelion root tea or use roasted dandelion ...
I realize that dandelions do not grow everywhere but they are one of the most widespread plants on the planet. If you are in a region in which they grow, chances are they everywhere! This is great news for the everyday forager or for someone who finds themselves in a survival situation ...
If the soil is dry, or if your weeds are too small to pull by hand, use a hoe. Keep the blade sharp for a fast cleanup in large areas. How to Get Rid of 8 Common Weeds Dandelion Shutterstock/Lukas Beno When weeding dandelions by digging them out of your lawn or garden, make sure...
As well as spoiling the look of your lawn, they compete with the grass for water and nutrients, so they need to be kept under control. Some of the most common lawn weeds, such as dandelions, docks and plantains, have long tap roots, and it’s important to get the whole root out to...
Carotene, part of a group of accessory pigments called carotenoids, gives carrots and sweet potatoes their orange hue and lends dandelions and marigolds their bright yellows. Lycopene helps tomatoes, watermelons and rose hips pop with their characteristic reds. Anthocyanins partly account for the deep...
Plants - mix and match flowers and vegetables in your bed, making it more difficult for insects to feast on your vegetable buffet. Get rid of pests - love the ladybug. Ladybugs are healthy, good bugs that feed onaphids. Attract them by planting fennel, dill, dandelions and geraniums. Crus...
Prepare for robbing bees and wasps with a robbing screen Further thoughts? “How can I recognize a nectar death?” is a common question and a hard one to answer. To a new beekeeper, the signs of dearth may seem subtle and mysterious. ...
I read on a gardening website that dandelions, if left undisturbed, can grow roots 15 feet deep. I guess that’s why, when you yank them and only break their stems, a new flower sprouts quickly in the same place. My hope to be a mom was rooted as deeply as a dandelion, but I ...
They can be sugared for next-day use, but will not last much longer. These include carnations, dandelions, roses, red clover, and lilacs. Never use flowers that have been in contact with pesticides, that grew alongside a road, or that have any obvious damage. 2 Prepare the flowers. ...