path=%2F&vmode=list 超验冥想Transcendental Meditation. -闭眼呼吸放松 - 放空大脑 -放空状态下大脑输入mantra语音:正能量 -放空状态下大脑听到“叮”后自己说出自己的信条,例如 I am confident/happy (操作性条件反射+强大的心理暗示,fake it until you make it,不断重复,在上千次上万次的重复后,让大脑把你...
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Improves relationships:Meditation has also proved to bring significant improvement in not personal as well as professional relationships. People who practice techniques like transcendental meditation have significantly better and healthy relationships both at home and work environments. Having understood about t...
My new primary care physician spent an hour with me during my first visit, and we talked about everything – from medical history to nutrition to relationships to…spiritual practice?!? “You’re basically really healthy,” she concluded, “but I really think you should try meditation.” Haha...
Transcendental Meditation prescribes 20 minutes of practice twice a day, but for Chopra there is no minimum length; sessions can be short, medium, or long. There is one key caveat: You must learn the mantra's proper Sanskrit pronunciation. Otherwise, Bahadoorsingh suggests, the sound may ...
What is Meditation? How to Meditate? Why Practice Meditation?You probably have a mental picture of someone meditating and a gut feeling that meditation is either "good" or that it is "bad." Your mental picture most likely captures an aspect of meditation, but doesn't capture the breadth...
Mr. Funk E. DudeIf you've ever wondered how to practice Transcendental Meditation but you don't want to pay the $1000 required to have three hour long lessons given to you by an "expert" then have I got something for you.I've written this short but easy to follow "how to" on TM...
Practice chakra meditationregularly to clear, open, and heal your upper chakras. Raise your vibrationas the spirit world dwells at a higher vibrational frequency than the physical plane. Also, it is invaluable to connect with others of like mind and spend time learning and growing together. Not...
Meditation is a practice used for people to achieve mental clarity and an emotionally calm and stable state. “Mindfulness and meditation leads you to your true self but also to a true path of eudaimonic happiness. That’s the nugget so many people are chasing but have no idea they’re ...
meditation methods, yoga practices, and various secret, esoteric or yogic techniques in general. There are free articles on our site for you to read and share with others, or reprint on your own site (please do!). Sometimes you'll even find entire books on transcendental spiritual stages to...