D. My mom taught me to play the ukulele(尤克里里,一种四弦乐器) when I was four. I woul d play all the time. Sometimes my parents h a d to take it away from me so I woul d do homework or eat dinner! E. Relations between my parents became difficult when I was in the fifth gr...
Note: Click any of the links above to skip to that section. For example, if you already know how to tune your ukulele you might skip to “Play Your First Ukulele Chord”. With seven bite-sized video lessons, you have everything you need to learn how to play ukulele right now. And a...
自从我开始在UkuTabs的YouTube频道上发布视频以来,我一直被问及如何正确地握住尤克里里琴。虽然学习如何弹奏尤克里里琴并不难,但要学习如何正确地握住乐器可能需要一些时间。在这篇UkuGuide中,我们将介绍拿起、持有和演奏尤克里里的基本知识。了解什么该做,什么不该做,以及更多的信息 ...
D.My mom taught me to play the ukulele (一种四弦乐器) when I was four.I would play all the time.Sometimes my parents had to take it away from me so I would do homework or eat dinner!E.Relations between my parents became difficult when I was in the fifth grade.It was hard to ...
You can play a B minor chord in many positions on the neck of your ukulele. No matter where you play this chord, it’s always composed of these same three notes. How Do You Play a B Minor Chord on Ukulele? To show you how to play the B minor chord on your ukulele, we’ll verb...
When you find something you love doing and want to become better at it, remember these three things: 1. Study. 2. Practice. 3. Make healthy choices. D. My mom taught me to play the ukulele (一种四弦乐器) when I was four. I would play all the time. Sometimes my parents had to...
How to hold a ukulele, what you should(n't) do Strap for ukulele without drilling? Of course! Ukulele Stiff Finger Warm-Ups, 5 Easy Exercises UKULELE CHORDS Now we can get to the real stuff,ukulele chords. These form thebasis of playing any song. This is the "hard" part and will ...
However, some ukulele players prefer to tune the g-string down an octave to play in low G ukulele tuning (learn how to tune to low G tuning), sometimes referred to as linear tuning because the strings are arranged from lowest to highest. Not only do you get a broader range with low ...
When you fin d something you love doing an d want to become better at it, remember these three things: 1.Study. 2. Practice. 3. Make healthy choices. D. My mom taught me to play the ukulele(一种四弦乐器) when I was four. I woul d play all the time. Sometimes my parents h...
D.My mom taught me to play the ukulele(一种四弦乐器) when I was four.I would play all the time .Sometimes my parents had to take it away from me so I would do homework or eat dinner! E.Relations between my parents became difficult when I was in the fifth grade.It was hard to ...