We're going to cover how to strategically pick a cue, how to structure your routine so that you get closer to the line of automaticity with half the effort, and finally how to effectively reward yourself so that your habit sticks.我们将介绍如何有策略地选择一个提示,如何构建你的日常惯例,让...
G) Make sure to do your research. Now comes the part when you put on your detective hat and do a little digging. The Internet will be your best friend when you're trying to familiarize yourself with a company's culture before ever walking through their office doors. And where exactly sh...
Speaking naturally in English is really only a skill that you can develop through practise yourself by listening to native English speakers regularly, imitating them and by trying it yourself.And that's exactly what we're going to do today!那就是我们今天要做的!准备好和我一起在家大声练习,好...
Jim: Im pretty easygoing.Dave: Great! So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions a 14、bout yourself?Jim: No problem. I like it when people are direct.BD: What do you do, Jim?J: Oh, well, Ive had a lot of different jobs, but Im not working right now.J: Yeah, I...
The last one I want to challenge you to is disclosure.This is a very vulnerable thing to do, and it can be very rewarding. So next time you're talking to a stranger and you feel comfortable, tell them something true about yourself, so...
It makes sense. It does make it easier and quicker to say sentences when we reduce the number of sounds that we need to say.But we can also link consonant sounds to completely different consonant sounds.道理非常简单。当我们把需要发的音数量减少的时候,句子说起来就会更加简单,说的速度也会更...
6. Be confident. State your views with confidence and look the person in the eye when communicating with him or her. If you look at the ground or over his or her shoulder, this could be interpreted this as weak. You want to be regarded asreasonablebut nottimid. ...
They're 'crows feet' in English. They kind of look like a crows foot.它们看起来有点像乌鸦爪。你可能已经看过了我的其他习语课程,我其实出了好几个了,你可以在我的习语列表中找到它们。Now you may have seen some of my other idioms lessons,I've made quite a few but you can find all of...
it gives you the healthy glow.* Be aware of your qualities and your faults. Cultivate them in private but don't obsess.* Make it look easy. Everything you do should seem effortless and graceful.* Your look should always have one thing left undone - the devil is in the details.* Be ...
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