Can you make puppy chow without peanut butter? Puppy chow is a popular snack food many love, particularly around the holiday season. While traditionally made with peanut butter, it can easily be made without. Instead of peanut butter, other nut butter such as almond or cashew butter can be...
The puppy needs to learn that as long as they do what you want, there’s going to be a treat at the end. Even if the dog only gets half of the assignment right, you should still encourage them. However, never give the dog treats, hugs, or cuddles if they refuse to follow your l...
If you have left over treat crumbs you can also sprinkle those on top as well.Place the cheesecake in front of your pup and watch them chow down! If the cheesecake isn’t right for your pup, check out our roundup of 5 Healthy Halloween Treats or 9 easy pumpkin dog treats for some ...
If possible, grab an exercise snack before eating. That way, when you chow down, at least some of the food you eat will be preferentially directed toward your muscles and not your adipose tissue. Short bursts of exercise before eating have been shown to increase levels of GLUT4, which is...
Learn to love the “leave it!” command. You’ll find this hugely effective whenever your dog starts to lick their lips at the idea of a poopy snack, and they’ll quickly get the picture. You’ll have to speak quickly and firmly, though. The most important thing is the tone that yo...
Carrots are safe for dogs to consume. Indeed, this vegetable is not only harmless, but it is also a low-calorie, highly-nutritious snack that you can give to your Japanese Spitz. Carrots, in their cooked and raw form, can be very nourishing for dogs and can make an excellent accompanimen...
A word to the wise: If you do throw a puppy party with multiple attendees, especially multiple dogs, make sure you’re thinking ahead. Include party snacks and specialty drinks for your human guests, and be sure to provide plenty of dog treats so that there’s no competition for food. ...
A word to the wise: If you do throw a puppy party with multiple attendees, especially multiple dogs, make sure you’re thinking ahead. Include party snacks and specialty drinks for your human guests, and be sure to provide plenty of dog treats so that there’s no competition for food. ...