Case in point: To create a tree in Little Alchemy 2 isn't as simple as, for example, creating Wood and then combining it with Earth. Instead, you need to first create the Plant and then the Big ingredient. Combining these two gets you the Tree -so we've detailed the steps for getti...
While the idea for a graham cracker sandwich with roasted marshmallow and chocolate had been around for some time, the first s’mores recipe didn’t make its debut until 1927 in “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.” The guidebook, which was intended to teach kids how to be good ...
In fact, most of the things we do every day and much of the stuff we use owes a hidden debt of gratitude to these gigantic energy factories, which turn "fossil fuels" (coal, natural gas, and oil) into electric power. This energy-alchemy is a pretty amazing trick—and quite a recent...
You can brighten up a room with a colorful picture in much the same way that you can make your house look more attractive with a fresh coat of paint. This is probably why we think of painting as a kind of "alchemy"—a way of using chemicals to change something we don't like into ...
As you said earlier, we blame it on circumstances and we tend to be reactive. I think we would all make a good choice if we were actually choosing. But so much of what we do is an unconscious reaction, we’re not responding. We don’t have the ability to respond. Often...