@AIka_flowerThank you! But can you please provide a sentence? For example, how to say “what is the answer of 2 to the power of 6” in Japanese?@
How do you say: 1)person who know the answer 2)if you are the persone who know the answer rise your hand For the 1 quote can I say: 返事を知ってる人 or 返事の知り方人 For the 2 quote can I say: 返事を知ってる人なら、手を上げてください ...
That is, when I open the dictionary, "Today's word" is displayed from the dictionary, and if I do not understand the word, the dictionary explains the meaning in English. Of course, example sentences are also included.Does Mr. Kronicmage have such a Japanese dictionary?If you don't have...
“You’re Japanese?” she said. “I met a lot of Japanese in Australia. They’re a clever people.” She shook her head sadly. Then she gazed out past the fields, almost like she could make out Australia just past the horizon. “Visit again sometime,” she said. “It’s quiet here...
something shop as a staff, it will sounds strange.潮時 is used when you abandon your job, sport etc. it is used when you abandon something that you have done for a long time because your skill, power and knowledges are weaker than others.潮時 is very similar to 引き際(ひきぎわ)閉...
この名前について以下の質問に自由な感性で答えてほしいです。 あなたが日本語を勉強していたとしても日本語を理解していない人ならどう思うかを考えていただきたいです。 I would like you to answer the question about my name with your own free sensibility. ...
In my experience: say "My name's ___ by the way, in case you forgot," and they'll respond in kind. That way nobody has to admit how much of a dumbass they are.Or
日本に来たら、アレクセイ、多分、アレックス、アレクシーとか呼ばれると思うのでそういうのにも “Names such as yours, Alexey, if you come to Japan… Arekusei, or something like that… Maybe, Arek, Arekhushi, Arekkushi?”) なれるのちょっと大変かもしれな...
@gunsenBasically when we meet people for the first time, in case of religious events, to the customers at shops or the like, we bow without fail. Actually there’re different degree in bowing and light bows mean casual greeting, which we use quite often in daily life. ...
やるべきことはしっかり分かったが、やるべきことを実際にできるかどうかが問題だ、ということです。”それなのに”は接続詞なので、例えば、「やるべきことはしっかりやった。それなのに、うまくいかなかった」"I did what I had to do. But it failed. "などと使います。@...