It’s common practice for businesses to include a contact form on their website. To create a form that uses the PHP mail() function to send an email when the form is submitted, you’ll first need to create the form. This step is pretty easy, and you can make your form as simple o...
This article is showing PHP7.4, and in images as PHP8.0, but in the cPanel the highest option is 7.3. How do I update to 7.4 or 8.0? Reply Arnel Custodio says: September 29, 2022 at 8:29 am Hello Daniel – apologies for the confusion with the PHP versions. If you’re unable to ...
PHP warning errors alert about a problem that may cause a more critical error in the long run. Warning errors do not break down the code execution and commonly occur when using a file path that doesn’t exist. For example, if the error below pops up, you must check the file name in ...
A quick browse through the comments on a post allows you to see your visitors’ opinions on the matter. You can use this knowledge to get ideas on how to improve your content in future posts. Furthermore, in the comments section, you can create surveys asking your audience what else they...
Welcome to this article on how to use PHP in HTML! Here, we try to get specific about exactlyhowPHP and HTML interact, at the level of a specific.phpfile. In other words, how do you actually include PHP in HTML, and what rules can and can’t you follow in weaving PHP and HTML ...
Sometimes, image upload issues occur because WordPress doesn’t have enough memory to process the upload. Increasing your PHP memory limit can help fix this. Typically, you can do this by editing yourwp-config.phpfile. However, the easiest way is to contact your hosting provider for help. Th...
For example, you can set the subject line to show the visitor’s name submitted to the contact form. To do so, open the Show Smart Tags button next to Email Subject Line and select Name from Available Fields. Now, each new notification will include the visitor’s name in the subject li...
Once you are there, click the add block ‘+’ button to open the block menu and add the Shortcode block. Next, paste the following shortcode into the block itself: [display-posts post_type="page" include_excerpt="true" excerpt_more="Continue Reading" excerpt_more_link="true"] ...
Step – 4 Create payment_form.php file The next step is tocreate a formto submit payments to PayPal. This form includes the following fields. <?php include"vendor/autoload.php"; include"src/Payment/payment.php"; use Payment\Payment; ...
by the everyday user, it remains crucial to the life of your WordPress site. Keeping your PHP version updated ensures your site is running securely and performing optimally. In this post, we’ll explain why it’s important to update PHP in WordPress, and show you different ways to do it...