How to get Flint in Survival ModeYou can add flint to your inventory in Survival mode by mining gravel. So, let's get started!1. Find a Block of GravelFirst, you need to find a few blocks of gravel to dig up. You can find gravel anywhere, but we are going to look for flint by...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft flint and steel with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, flint and steel is one of the many tools that you can make. It can be used as a lighter to start a fire or ignite TNT. Let's explo
Minecraft’s procedurally-generated 3D world invites players to build and survive in blocks. However, in this pixelated universe of boundless creativity and adventure, water can be both a friend and a foe. Despite its importance for survival and crafting, sometimes it can overflow and wreak havoc...
You can make obsidian rather easily in Minecraft. All you need is flowing water and a still lava source. When a flowing water block comes in contact with a lava source, it will directly convert into obsidian, destroying the lava source. This means you will need a lava source for every si...
An essential weapon in your survival arsenal, crafting a bow and arrow is a surefire (no pun intended) way to defeat mobs galore. Getting string in Minecraft The easiest way to get string for your bow is to defeat spiders. Luckily, you’ve been practicing your fighting skills, so that sh...
Step 1: Get to the Nether Roof Once you’ve collected your materials, the first step is to make a Nether portal and spawn in Nether. To do so, place 8 Obsidian blocks in a rectangular shape as below and use the flint & steel to activate it. ...
How to Mine in Minecraft: In this instructable I'm going to teach you how to mine in Minecraft. There are so many ways to approach mining in Minecraft. I want to cover some of the ways you can get started whether it is careful planning or just jumping r
You can have a bow crafted to shoot it from a distance, but focus on blocking with your shield and striking it with a melee weapon like a flint spear or axe between its attacks. No need to chase him, conserve your stamina and let him come to you. After defeating Eikthyr, hang his...
(Igenerated the world of Momonga in Minecraft. I’m lazy.) Step 2: Create the characters The characters are the most important asset. A good character is someone the player can relate to. This means that he or she is “human” (even when they’re not). What makes someone “human”?
Try to kill them in one hit, or else they can spawn more from the walls. You can also pillar up two blocks and hit them from there. Take a bucket of lava to kill the silverfish. A flint and steel will also work. 7 Put ender eyes in each slot inside the blocks. Download Artic...