阅读短文,根据上下文以及所给的首字母提示写出所缺的单词,使短文内容完整、连贯Do you know how to tak e your pulse? In fact, you can fin d your puls e in several p laces . Her e ar e two of th e easiest places to fin d it. On e is in your neck an d the o ther is in you...
Finding the pulse on infants requires more patience and skill. The pulse is quite simple and is easy to detect, regardless of the amount of extra tissue attached. The location for taking the pulse on the infant is situated on both arms at the brachial artery. To find the brachial artery,...
How to take your pulse The best thing any person exercising can do is monitor their pulse. Your pulse is a great source of information, often warning you when your body needs to take things easy. It is also a valuable source when training. As this is thebeginners section, we shall not ...
Find out how to connect your PULSE Explore™ wireless earbuds to a compatible PC, Mac®, or mobile device.
How to Find Your Popliteal Pulse It’s easy to check your popliteal pulse yourself. Simply do the following: Sit or lie down on your bed, couch, or floor. Bend your leg a little, but not enough that your foot is flat on the floor. ...
Find out how to reset your PULSE Explore™ wireless earbuds and other troubleshooting steps. Reset earbuds Reset charging case Sync earbuds and charging case Reset USB adapter How to reset your PULSE Explore wireless earbuds If you’re having issues with your earbuds, try resetting them. Resettin...
Don't use your thumb(拇指)—it has apulse of its own. Place these two fingers on your wrist, just below the base of the thumb. Count the number of beats(pulses) for 15 seconds. Take this number and multiply by 4 to find your heart rate in beats per minute. Forexample, if you ...
根据第一段的内容"Taking your pulse during physical activity allows you to measure how hard you are exercising. You should exercise to stay within your target heart range.(在体育活动中,测量脉搏可以使你测出自己正在进行的锻炼的强度。你应该锻炼来使自己处于靶心率范围内)"及表格上的数据可知,一个人的...
Find the area on one side of your neck near your windpipe. Your carotid pulse can be taken on either side of your neck. Put the tip of your index and long finger in the groove of your neck along your windpipe to feel the pulse in yourcarotid artery. Do not press on the carotid art...
心率或脉率,是每分钟心跳/脉搏搏动的次数,是反映孩子健康状态的重要指标之一。 心率随年龄、精神紧张以及活动状态而不同。心率增快或减慢并非都是异常表现,但如果心率变化明显超过正常范围,可能是机体出现问题的信号。 正常心率是多少? 孩子的心率通常比成人快。静息状态时,健康成人心率约每分钟60到100次;孩子在睡眠时...