(If you have gestational diabetes, check with your doctor first.) It's especially dangerous to become dehydrated during pregnancy. Dehydration can trigger preterm contractions. Pregnancy Bloating Your pants may feel tight even if you're not that far along. Blame it on hormonal changes. Early in...
MidwiferyAllen-Walker V, Mullaney L, Turner MJ, Woodside JV, Holmes VA, McCartney DMA, et al. How do women feel about being weighed during pregnancy? A qualitative exploration of the opinions and experiences of postnatal women. Midwifery. 2017;49:95-101....
Learn how to control cravings during pregnancy, and more. Learn about managing cravings and if prenatal supplements can help with your pregnancy cravings.
The more stress somebody has, the shorter their pregnancy was "The way that stress is understood and the way we measure it is really differentiating the experience of stress in terms of how much stress you perceive, how overwhelmed you feel, your inability to cope, from the actual stres...
So what all is there to expect from these hormone changes during pregnancy? Here’s what’s going on in your body over the next nine-ish months. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) HCG is the hormone that tells the rest of your body that you’re pregnant. It’s whatpregnancy testsdetect...
How Do You Feel? In case it is yourfirst pregnancy, the head of your baby has already moved down into the pelvic area. Theuterusputs your stomach and diaphragm under less pressure, so, fortunately,heartburn, upset stomach, and short breath occur seldom. But there is a feeling of heaviness...
Throughout your pregnancy, you might've dreamed about holding your baby for the first time. Now that your little one has arrived, you may be curious about how to hold a baby in a way that keeps them safe and secure. There are various ways to hold a newborn depending on the situation...
Habit stacking involves pairing a habit you want to form with something you already do on auto-pilot. For instance, you can plan to have a glass of water every day after you brush your teeth in the morning, during a regular morning meeting or during your commute home. In the evening, ...
However, many people feel super tired again during the third trimester. WebMD says it may be due to any or all of the following:Heartburn Cramping in your legs Sinus congestion Discomfort from the size of your bumpWhy Do You Wake Up to Pee So Often During Pregnancy?
The amount of HCG typically found in the body won’t be enough to give a positive test. However, during the first eight weeks of pregnancy, HCG levels double every couple of days. So while the waiting game might not be an easy one, just a few days can make a difference between a po...