A small team travelled to Ukraine to help facilitate non-stop prayer for 130 young people who had gathered from all parts of the war-torn nation to seek God. One young person said “I have never felt and experienced the peace and presence of God like we had in the prayer room.” 23...
Finally, you should end your prayers the same way that you began: with praise and worship to God.Be mindful that you are not following The Lords Prayer word for word. Instead, use it as a guide to pray the prayers that are on your own heart. When you pray in the same manner that ...
6:30), but we sense that we are too self-centered in our prayer lives when all we do is tell God what we need or what we want. Not knowing how to pray is probably the main reason why we encounter these problems. Thankfully, we have a model in Scripture from our Savior Himself ...
If you start to seek out a good deliverance minister in your area, God will then lead you to the one He will want you to work with. If however, you would like to try and do this on your own by way of a self-deliverance, you can then follow the steps we will now give you in ...
How do I live a prayerful life? I hope they will encourage you to make 2021 a year of prayer. Know to whom you are speaking. ... Thank him. ... Ask for God's will. ... Say what you need. ... Ask for forgiveness. ... ...
Now suppose you have a material or financial need. You go to God's Word, and you discover that He has offered to be your provider as you put your trust in Him. You say: "Lord, Your Word says that You will liberally supply all of our needs, so I'm asking You to provide us with...
What is persimmon in Sea Prayer? How does God show forgiveness in The Shack? How did War of the Worlds end? What happens at the end of Behind the Beautiful Forevers? What does The Parable of the Great Dinner mean? What does the woman give the boy to eat in Thank You, M'am? What...
In the seventeenth century days of thanksgiving were religious holidays, days of fasting and prayer, giving thanks to God for things like rain ending a drought or success in battle, as well as for good harvests.但1621年麻州的丰收节是如何成为一个现代的、全国性的节日的呢?在17世纪,感恩节是宗...
Find a good church! It’s important to attend church regularly because it provides an opportunity for you to fellowship and grow closer to God and others. The church isn’t just a building but rather the people who make up the body of Christ. While there is no such thing as a perfect...
In contrast to the vibrant interdisciplinary literature on other virtues, such as forgiveness and gratitude, the study of humility has developed more slowl