working with the fresh root will be a revelation. Dried ginger has a sharp and relatively one-dimensional flavor, but juicy, aromatic ginger root is all about nuance. The familiar burn is still there, but it's surrounded and complemented by a host of subtly floral, citrusy notes that do w...
which has a thicker, more papery skin that must be peeled. However, younger ginger has such a thin skin you don’t need to peel the piece of ginger root at all. Unfortunately, most of us will only have access to older ginger roots...
Jean Carper
We usually say ginger root when talking about the edible part of the ginger plant. But that is not really correct. You eat the rhizomes, and as you can see, the rhizomes have roots. Rhizomes and roots are two different things. But I'll keep talking about ginger root anyway, that's wh...
Growing ginger from root is easy to do. All you need is a piece of ginger root, a pot and some potting soil to make new plants for free.
Break a good chunk of the ginger root to replant and continue growing for the next crop. This way, you can keep your ginger going indefinitely. Storing Ginger Always store fresh ginger in your refrigerator in a paper bag in the crisper drawer; do not store it tightly in plastic, as that...
If you serve properly stored peas within a day or two of harvest, you should still find them a treat. Garden peas are peas out of the pod eaten as a green vegetable. Peapods are parchment-like and too stringy to eat. Garden peas along with field peas are also known as shelling peas...
Step 2: Realize the importance of washing ALL of your produce.I admit that sometimes I skimp on washing the foods that we don’t eat the outside of, but since we are using them to add flavor to homemade chicken stock – you do need to wash them. Here’s myguide to washing produce...
check for doneness. You do not want to overcook the chicken but if undercooked, it will not be full flavored and will not have the desired texture. It also needs to be cooked to the proper doneness to make it safe to eat. Shown below are some common methods used to determine d...
If you are planning to grow ginger for eating purposes the best-known species isZingiber officinale. When we talk about the edible part of ginger, we generally refer to ginger root. But it is the rhizomes (modified stems) that we eat. The ginger rhizome is aromatic, pungent, and spicy. ...