The words aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm sound very similar, but they are two different conditions. An aneurysm is a weak spot in a blood vessel that has started to stretch and form a small bulge. If the wall of the blood vessel continues to weaken, theaneurysm could rupture. A rupture carries...
The CSF is a clear, watery fluid that is present around the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system or CNS). The fluid is responsible for various functions, such as protecting the CNS againstshockinjuries, maintaining optimum pressure in the CNS, providing nutrients to the brain and...
Types of Tumors and Cancers an MRI Can DetectCan MRI Detect Cancer?What You Can Expect From an MRIUse an MRI for Early Detection and Better DiagnosisKey takeaways: To answer “can MRI detect cancer,” MRI scans of your brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, muscles, ligaments, soft tissues,...
Insurgery to repair a brain aneurysm, the surgeon will temporarily remove a small part of the skull, then cut through the coverings of the brain to place a tiny metal clip to close off the bulging part of the aneurysm. Another option isendovascular(meaning within the vessel) coiling. A sur...
Pacemakers, which may malfunction during a scan or even near the machine Aneurysm clips in the brain, which could tear the very artery they were placed on to repair if the magnet moves them Dental implants, if magnetic Most modern surgical implants, including staples, artificial joints and stent...
A sudden, severe headache could indicate a serious problem, such as a brain aneurysm or stroke. It is critical to seek immediate medical attention if your senior loved one has a headache accompanied by: Seizures Extremely painful or stiff neck Pain made worse by coughing, sneez...
migraines:Complicated migraines may cause stroke-like symptoms, such as weakness or numbness of one side of the face or body. If you have complicated migraines, your healthcare provider will want to ensure that you aren’t having a stroke,TIA(transient ischemic attack), or a brain aneurysm. ...
Leaky Brain Summary We’ve defined what theblood-brain barrieris and why it’s so critical to your overallcognitivehealth. We looked at the causes of a leakyblood-brain barrier.And how to fix it. We also discovered that if you’ve got aleaky gut, chances are yourbrain is leakytoo. If...
Answer to: How reliable is a CT-brain scan with contrast in showing MS lesions as enhancing lesions in the presence of a contraindication to use...
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and is commonly characterized by recurring seizures. Learn about the definition, causes, and types of epilepsy, explore the clinical signs, symptoms, and diagnostics of this disorder, and understand how it could be treated. Related...