prince of Polotsk, to sue for the hand of his daughter Rogneda (Norse: Ragnhild). The high-born princess refused to affiance herself to the son of a bondswoman, but Vladimir attacked Polotsk, slew Rogvolod, and took Ragnhild by force. Polotsk was a key fortress on the way to Kiev,...
I wish I could describe accurately what a great gastronomic delight this is (think of the scene in Ratatouille, where the mouse puts food in his mouth and experiences a whole symphony of bursting colors and lights and flavors. Yeah. That pretty much comes close). I’ve never considered mys...
Here’s something I can’t stress enough. When you’re writing about anger, there are a lot of ways toshowthe emotion…through what they say, how loudly they say it, what they’re thinking, and their actions (such as aggressively loading the dishwasher.) Mylist of ways to describe faci...
“We just want the kid to look at the mushroom, describe its cap's shape, color and texture. Along with these pieces of info we want the kid to take note of the habitat of the mushrooms as well as their population”Sky aenxpdlei rdcr pjwr bfvn seteh njlv, xrd cqy doshul rmneet...
Something I’ve learned through the magic of blogs dedicated to writing is to never use the word “aspiring” to describe yourself as a writer. If you write, you are a writer. Good luck with everything! 😀 I want to check out your blog soon. Abigail Rogers on January 17, 2013 at ...
problem. What we are TRYING to do is get you to describe the PROBLEM you are trying to solve, not the solution you think you have come up with. Fortunately, you did exactly that in this email, and that’s a Good Thing. The driver is for Windows 64Bit and so it is necessary to ...
In this blog post, we are going to describe what is happening in the Linux kernel during such scenarios and we will detail more precisely what is happening to the running processes. Especially how processes (also referred to as tasks) are put in the so-called refrigerator in the Linux kerne...
You can provide these services in a driver module that's specific to a particular class of devices but independent of any individual device. Such a module is often referred to as the "upper half" of a driver. For convenience, we'll use the term class driver to describe this module. ...
Domain specific language gives you the ability to describe your application behaviour. Steps to install Natural Eclipse Editor for Gherkin: You will get this option automatically when you create a file with .feature extension. Otherwise, you can anytime go to Eclipse Marketplace and look for the...
ISAPI Filters can retrieve everything as-is, assuming you are in the right filter event. You just need to remember that header names MUST have the ":" appended, while GetServerVariable() calls using HTTP_ or HEADER_ prefix do NOT have ":" GetServerVariable() calls using ...