Introducing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace allows your employees to become more personally invested in the vision and mission of your organisation. Feeling considered as an integral part of an organisation improves the desire to continue contributing. The value of div...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion training confronts generational bias and is likely to bring up many feelings, more than if you were simply offering a training on safe lifting. Make sure your trainers have also developed the skills to honor and respect whatever arises to help employees work ...
What is diversity, equity, and inclusion? 2024: The year in charts Moreover, we found that the greater the representation, the higher the likelihood of outperformance. Companies with more than 30 percent women executives were more likely to outperform companies where this percentage ranged from...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not a topic your business leadership should shy away from. In fact, it’s one they should embrace discussing often and creating action plans around so they and other managers across their org know how to promote diversity and inclusion in the ...
Diversity, equity and inclusion is a critical focus for HR leaders. To help HR professionals better measure and act on DEI metrics, this research defines DEI, suggests potential methods of tracking each component and outlines action steps to take in collaboration with line leaders. It also caution...
Diversity, equity and inclusion training can make your workplace more diverse and equal. Learn what DE&I programs entail and how to ensure they succeed.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI; also referred to as EDI) and antiracism are key parts of patient care and medical education as they empower health professionals to be advocates for their patients, leading to better health care outcomes and more culturally and socially humble heal...
Within this context, do equity, diversity and inclusion matter in sustainable energy research, and if so, as scholars, how do we improve in these areas? In providing advice, mainly to early career researchers, but to the established researchers too, I offer advice on creating and finding the...
So in this episode, I’m excited to share a conversation I had recently with expert Beth Ridley, who coaches executives on creating successful Diversity & Inclusion initiatives. Listen in as Beth shares practical and specific steps that leaders as well as employees can take to foster diversity,...
From a learning perspective, one of our goals this year is to infuse DEI concepts throughout our learning content. We aim to reinforce the DEI strategy through the cases and scenarios we employ and the visuals we use. We want our content to be representative of the diversity we...