The process of declaring someone incompetent also includes ensuring the petitioner is fit to serve as the person's guardian. Part of the petition you file will include an application to become thecourt-appointed guardianfor the person being declared incompetent. The probate court will decide if the...
It is always a better alternative for an adult to select someone to make decisions for her should she become incapacitated. However, a person can only do this – by making a living trust or appointing a power of attorney – while the elderly person is competent. If the person becomes incap...
People can avoid guardianship if they are proactive. Any adult can name someone to look after her nterests should she become incompetent by creating a power of attorney, also called POA. A POA is a legal document in which one adult gives another authority to act on her behalf in certain a...
If my organization needed me to, I would give a good recommendation on behalf of an incompetent employee hoping that the person will become another organization’s problem instead of my own If my organization needed me to, I would withhold issuing a refund to a customer or client accidentally...
Dealing with an Incompetent Leader Does your boss seem to destroy camaraderie, instill gossip, encourage dishonesty, and prevent people from speaking freely?Here are tips on how you can protect yourself and your career. Getting the Most Out of Job Fairs ...
(1991). Guardianship: Protec- tion versus peril: How well do we safeguard the rights of elders before we declare them incompetent? Not well enough, according to this study. Geriatric Nursing, 12(1), 11-13.Stevenson, C., & Capezuti, E. ( 1991 ). Guardianship: Protection versus peril: ...
prevent violations occurring because of lax integrity: “in the not-for-profit sector, there’s that sense of we’re doing things for the greater good…if you’re not having those checks and boundaries or you’re not having someone question or ask, then you can slip and slide away.”(...
Brendan Boyle, who represents Philadelphia, had the best answer when we asked him for a vibe check: "If we had a vote for every time someone has asked me 'so what are the vibes in PA?' then we would definitely be winning." Lead Art: Voters enter...
Still, this would appear a neces- sary step to understand why the outcomes of the positive actions do not always live up to expectations. Moreover, no research to date has integrated stereotypes and emotions about mental disabilities by including perceived threats along the way. A first goal ...
Springing power of attorney is similar to immediate POA in that it works when you’re incapacitated. The difference is that it only “springs” into effect once you meet conditions you set to declare you legally incompetent. “Most estate planning attorneys don’t use springing POAs because they...