所属专辑:BBC随身英语(附字幕+笔记文稿) 声音简介 音频列表 1 When did we start walking for leisure? “散步”的起源 12.8万 2024-03 2 How to cope with homesickness 何以解乡愁? 12.4万 2024-03 3 Knowing our limitations 了解自身能力的局限性 ...
What is homesickness and what can we do about it? 在一个新城市开始一份梦想的工作,在国外著名大学获得一席之地,或者能够长期旅行。这些都是绝佳的机会,但它们会让我们感到悲伤和孤独。什么是想家,我们能做些什么呢? Homesickness is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey – it's nothing new. Common symptoms...
Starting a dream job in a new city, winning a place at a prestigious universityabroador being able to travel for anextended period. All fantastic opportunities, but they can leave us feeling sad and alone. What is homesickness and what can we do about it? Homesickness is mentioned in Homer...
词汇:homesickness 思乡 Starting a dream job in a new city, winning a place at aprestigious1university abroad or being able to travel for an extended period. All fantastic opportunities, but they can leave us feeling sad and alone. What is homesickness and what can we do about it? Homesickn...
If you are experiencing feelings of homesickness or worry while studying abroad, know that you are not alone. In this article, we will discuss strategies...
How to relieve homesickness 如何缓解想家的情绪体裁说明文难度★★★词数260Whether you moved for work, school, or just to explore a new area, moving away from your family can be really hard. Experiencing homesickness after moving away from your family is totally normal.1 . Fortunately, there ar...
How can I help my sibling deal with homesickness? Encourage your sibling to stay in touch with family and friends from home, but also to meet new people and get involved in activities and organizations on campus. How can I help my child feel less anxious about their sibling moving to colle...
2Cope with Homesickness If you're living away from home for the first time, it can be difficult to deal with feelings of homesickness. Don't try to push your feelings aside -- almost all college students feel homesick from time to time, especially in the beginning. It's OK to feel sad...
Remember, homesickness is about the “instinctive need for love, protection, and security—feelings and qualities usually associated with home.” Whatever you can do to establish a sense of security your new home, the better. That usually means making the new place your own. ...
Read more:10 Ways to Cope with Homesickness Abroad 5. Set personal objectives & travel goals A common way to combat the negative feelings associated with culture shock such as anxiety or depression is by setting objectives and goals. You don’t need to only set academic or professional goals ...