Our brains are amazingly versatile, but we find it hard to calculate in our heads because they can store only so many numbers. According to a famous bit of 1950s research by psychologist George Miller, we can remember typically 5–9 digits (or, as Miller put it:"the magical number seven...
I'm assuming here that it is possible to estimate the air friction from first principals, for example, by mathematically describing the physics of how the remaining gas molecules in the vacuum will transfer momentum as they bounce back and forth between the ring and the inner wall of the enc...
Question: How do you calculate frequency? Frequency: Frequency is the measure of the number of counts per second. As such, the two essentials for determining frequency are the number of repetitions as well as the time taken. The unit of measuring frequency is Hertz. ...
However, if you get rid of all of the stuff about measuring the OWSOL then there is an interesting non-duplicate question. The interesting question is how energy would work in a non-isotropic OWSOL convention. Would energy be conserved? Or what would be the formula for total energy and ...
How do you calculate time constant?RC Circuits:RC circuits in the dc series circuits consist of resistors and capacitors. The charging or discharging of the RC circuit occurs gradually. The discharging in the capacitor decreases exponentially. The charge is the product of the voltage and the ...
This equation is really simple to work with provided you know (or can calculate) the heat transfer and work done. However, many situations simplify things even further. In an isothermal process, the temperature is constant, and since internal energy is a state function, you know the change i...
absolutely, graphing calculators have built-in statistical functions that allow you to analyze data sets. you can calculate measures of central tendency, such as mean and median, as well as measures of dispersion, like standard deviation. additionally, you can perform regression analysis to find ...
How to Calculate Work Done by Non-Conservative Forces Step 1: Identify the mass of the object m, initial conditions such as vertical position si and speed vi, and final conditions such as vertical position sf and speed vf. Step 2: Calculate the change in potential energy from the initial...
You can’t calculateinstantaneous accelerationin quite the same way because you don’t have a start time and an end time. Instead, imagine you are finding the same quotient—the difference in velocity over difference in time—over an infinitely small time period. You can write this as: ...
As wind moves over the car in the tunnel, computers are used to calculate the drag coefficient (Cd). Wind tunnels are really nothing new. They've been around since the late 1800s to measure airflow over many early aircraft attempts. Even the Wright Brothers had one. After World War II,...