Your credit utilization is how much of your available credit you’re using at a given time. Aim to use no more than 30% your total available credit. You can calculate your credit utilization ratio on a per-card or overall basis. We have a calculator below that can help. Credit utilizatio...
With this information, the contact centre would be able to calculate that its utilisation is 79.0%. Why Is It Important to Measure Utilisation? Henriette explained that “It’s a business costs consideration. You employ a person to do a primary job and, within the contact centre environment, ...
To calculate call centre occupancy, first get a total of the amount of time each of its advisors spends on “call-related activity” – from the time that they sign in, to the time that they sign out – on a day-to-day basis. This is called the “total handling time”. The contact...
Due to the continuous progress of constructing sustainable environments in China, the role played by the Chinese central government as the main body for promoting green development is worth studying. Because China’s ecological civilization building has
Tocalculate GST,apply the applicable tax rate to the taxable value of the supply. The taxable value is the transaction value of the supply minus any discounts or abatements. 9. What are Dual Goods and Services Tax Structures? Dual GST is a system where both the central and state governments...
Email monitoringis another efficient tool to minimize the risk of data leakages. It can also serve for quality assessment, for example, if you monitor support agents or other employees working with customers. Printer controlserves two purposes. First, it helps you calculate and optimize expenses on...
in the five to 15 percent utilisation space. That's a huge amount of excess capacity that isn't being used and is being paid for by companies. Companies buy for peak load... so you will overbuy to make sure you never have situations where you can't keep up with the load," he ...
While individual companies can calculate the cost of producing hydrogen from a given project based on their specific set-up — such as the electrolyser, renewable energy source, etc — big business and governments really need to base their decisions on an agreed market price. ...
Innovation and diffusion of innovation go well beyond patenting activity, as we can see with advances in Chinese capacity in a variety of industries. One can therefore have a good formal innovation system, but fail in innovation in that entrepreneurship is a bottom up process starting with an ...
To calculate net churn, you use a similar formula as when you calculate gross customer churn, except the value of “customers lost in this period” is reduced by the number of customers gained over the same period. So, if you want to calculate net customer churn you should use the formula...