Pokémon Legends: Arceusis full of many dangerous Pokémon that can harm the player. Whether it’s noble or alpha Pokémon, there are strong enemies littered throughout the Hisui region ready to do some damage. Take enough damage, and you blackout, losing some items in your satchel. But, s...
Any%? 100%? - Pokémon Legends: Arceus takes the typical, traditional Pokémon quest formula to "catch 'em all" and gives the entire tried-and-true (and exce...
Regigigas is one of the many legendaries found inPokémon Legends: Arceus. From the very beginning, the game establishes the connection between the Hisui region and the Sinnoh region. The player character falls out of a large wormhole from the sky with no recollection of how they got there. ...
Three is a magic number - Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the latest adventure in the Pokémon franchise, this time bringing with it a whole new open world, new ...
Catching Enamorus in Pokémon Legends: Arceus Make sure to prepare bycrafting a large amount ofArceusPokéballsand items for this battle since it's one of the most difficult in the game. Head to the Crimson Mirelands and approach the Scarlet Bog. Upon arriving, the player will notice Enamor...
This illustrates just how important it will be to collect Grit items and use them on your important Pokemon if you want to have a hope of beating the hardest battles in the game. RELATED: Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Every Boss And How To Beat Them Where To Find Grit Items You'll ...
Pokemon Legends Arceus Giratina(Image credit: iMore) Four colossal Pokémon are associated with the Sinnoh region: Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus. You have to defeat the first two to beat Legends: Arceus, but that leaves Giratina and Arceus still waiting for you. These two require a who...
If you've never interfaced with this new form of money, we'll tell you how to get Merit Points and what you can spend them on in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
It’s no secret, Dialga and Palkia will be obtainable in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, both, but not at the same time. In fact, during the last missions of the main campaign, you will be asked whether to be accompanied by Damon or Perula: this choice will affect the order in which you ...
First, you need to unlock the ability to mass release in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. All you need to do is catch enough critters to fill some pastures – about five should do. After that, you can talk to Marie outside the pasture, who tells you that you’ve been catching a lot of ‘...