How to answer “what are your salary expectations?” 面试中必问的问题之一:“ 你的期望薪资是多少?” HR在问你这个问题时,他们心里已经有了个“数目”,如果你给出的期待工资太高,他们很可能直接就拒绝你了,如果太低,又委屈了自己, How to answer “what are your salary expectations?” , 资料共享平台 ...
Getting asked “What are your salary requirements?” or “What are your salary expectations?” in an interview can leave you feeling unsure of how to answer and maybe even you’ll feel awkward to answer. Your salary requirements should be based on your research of the pay rates for the ...
Answer to "What is your salary expectation?" when you have no experience Asking for an industry-standard salary as well as the budget for the role can be an effective answer when asked about your salary expectations as a candidate with no work experience. ...
1. Research the market and salary trends Questions about pay expectations might come up during the first formal interview — or even during the initial phone vetting. That’s why you should be ready to provide an “expected salary” answer from the moment you apply for a job. Preparing...
How to answer salary expectations in 5 simple steps 1. Get the timing right:Whilst you should always be ready and prepared to discuss the money side of things in an interview, you need to be mindful about when you actually bring it up. Don’t be too eager and mention it early on - ...
When you answer the salary expectations question, you’re literally guessing a number that depends on tons factors you can’t assess. But it gets worse. What are the odds that you’ll actually guess the salary they’re willing to pay someone with your skillset and experience to do the job...
How to Answer "What Do You Find the Most Stressful About This Type of Role?" A winning response might be: “It’s true that this role can be stressful, and I’ve certainly dealt with my share of it in previous positions. If I had to say what the biggest stressor is, I...
How To Answer Questions About Your Salary ExpectationsAlison Green
Thatis,thebasesalaryislow,afteryoupromotedmoreslowly --soaspossiblewiththeemployerbasedsalaryraiseyour negotiation. 1,don'twanttogoto[thecompany] Evenhowgoodthecompany,howtomeetyourexpectations,don't showa"IwanttoworkherebuthereIhavenootheralternative". ...
Downplaying salary expectations to get a foot in the door is a terrible mistake. It’s like falling to your knees in desperation. Don’t be like Jim! Here’s how to answer the toughest interview question of them all: What are your salary requirements?