DApps on Trust Wallet abbreviates to decentralized apps. These apps can be defined as a set of digitally running applications that work on either a blockchain or a P2P network. Instead of running on a single computer, these apps tend to avail control to a series of individuals operating ...
If you use multiple email services, change your title in all of them to ensure consistency. Keep titles short and sweet. If you can easily abbreviate some of your title, do it. For example, shortening “Doctor” to “Dr.” keeps the messaging the same but cuts down on the space ...
Consistency With How Language Changes Shortening and combiningexisting words to create new ones is something we all do in our natural use of language. There are several ways we shorten and combine, but primarily we clip, blend, and abbreviate—often preferring the abbreviation’s pronounce...
How do you abbreviate for example? e.g.is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia, meaning “for example.” This abbreviation is typically used to introduce one or more examples of something mentioned previously in the sentence and can be used interchangeably with “for example” or...
Use your most current title.If you’ve changed roles recently, use your most current job title. If you use multiple email services, change your title in all of them to ensure consistency. Keep titles short and sweet.If you can easily abbreviate some of your title, do it. For example, ...
How do you build trust in any relationship?By being consistent. Since you haven't got the time to build trust over a period of time – pay attention to the cues that build instant trust: Use a professional email address.It shows you are serious about your work. ...
It's not clear to my why you don't want to abbreviate "Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence" as "ML in AI" in one of the header cells. Anyway, the following may be close to what you're looking for. Note that I see no need to bold-face the contents of the header cells....
These conditional distributions are invariant in time t; thus, we abbreviate the transition probabilities as p(x|x1,…,xp)=P(Xt=x|Xt−1=x1,…,Xt−p=xp). The three CLAR-type models satisfy the Yule–Walker equations (1.1), which constitutes the main difference to the nonlinear max-...
The name must have a “designator” indicating that the business is an LLC. Your name should contain one of the following phrases or abbreviations: “limited liability company,”“limited company,”“LLC,” or “LC.” Capitalization can vary, and you can abbreviate “limited” as “Ltd.” ...
The third possibility is usingExploratory Graph Analysisvia the R-packageEGAthat is currently under development. This means you really want to check what is happening and make sure you trust the package before you publish a paper using its results, but thepreprintlooks promising2. This package re...