Use periods to abbreviate P.S. You can put an "em dash" after it (two dashes linked together) or a colon: P.S.: P.S. — Pro Tip: The letter of introduction's job is to get your resume read. When you promise something the manager really wants, you give her a reason to rea...
To abbreviate large chunks of data, you can use b and k to signify 512 and 1024 bytes, respectively. Therefore, the example above could read bs=1k instead of bs=1024. o ibs=size, obs=size The input and output block sizes. If you can use the same block size for both input and outp...
o of=file The output file. The default is the standard output.o bs=size The block size. dd reads and writes this many bytes of data at a time. To abbreviate large chunks of data, you can use b and k to signify 512 and 1024 bytes, respectively. Therefore, the example above could ...
Definitely the types of names that are getting more offers on – and it is not necessarily the same names – are the three letter combinations and I have noticed that due to companies wanting to abbreviate their own company names. I find them extremely valuable in a sense that, I am sure...
CONSTANTlongLOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME=3Abbreviatemeofthelanguage,ISOStandard CONSTANTlongLOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME=4Nativenameofthelanguage CONSTANTlongLOCALE_SCOUNTRY=6Thefulllocalizemeofthecountry. CONSTANTlongLOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY=4098ThefullEnglishU.S.nameofthecountry. CONSTANTlongLOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME=8Nativenameo...
It is difficult to say how the term originated, but some basic reasoning likely applies. In the United States, we abbreviate the word ounce to “oz.” The z from the shortened version can become the new and improved shorthand. We also know that an ounce of weed fits snuggly in a Ziploc...
'Dim whenAllTask As Task(Of Integer()) = Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks) 'Dim lengths As Integer() = Await whenAllTask Dim total = lengths.Sum() 'Dim total = 0 'For Each url In urlList ' Dim urlContents As Byte() = Await GetURLContentsAsync(url) ' ' The ...
Abbreviate the spellings of what you write in your notes. Note page numbers, titles, and authors of books in case you need to refer to them again for a bibliography or another reason.[7] Create a quiz as part of your note-making, as you read and use it later for a checkup and ...
On a math test, the sections might be “Area of a Circle,”“Quadratic Equation,” and “Volume.” In either case, you can quickly find the section you need. If you have room, draw lines between sections so you can quickly see where sections start and end. 3 Abbreviate your writing ...
Also try to abbreviate long words that appear again and again throughout the class or lecture -- for example, instead of writing "popular sovereignty" 25 times over the course of a history class, write "pop sov". Of course, it's essential that you're able to decipher your own shorthand...