acoustic tags had to be attached to whales using suction cups to record the sounds they make. The Acousonde was adapted especially for use on a Saildrone USV, which can survey much larger areas than previously possible. Scientists estimate that only about 30 North Pacific right whales live in...
Whales don't produce sounds the way we do. Our vocal-cord system wouldn't work too well underwater. Instead, whales produce sound bymoving inhaled air around the nasal cavity in front of their blowholes. In toothed whales, the sound-making system involves a complex arrangement of fatty tissu...
That's why whales use sound to communicate over such long distances and why submarines use SONAR (sound navigation and ranging; a sound-based navigation system similar to radar only using sound waves instead of radio waves). It's also one of the reasons why it's very hard to figure out ...
Bats, who hunt at night, use echolocation to find their prey, too. First, the whale has to produce a sound. Toothed whales don't have anything exactly like our vocal cords, although they have similar structures. It's thought that they produce their sounds in their nasal passages [source:...
False. Despite its name, do not use glass cleaner to clean your eyeglasses as it can remove any coatings you've paid to have on your lenses. Learn More: How to Best Clean Your Glasses, for Real 5. What is the name for the scent outside after it rains? Atmospheric aroma Petrichor Pi...
Like other toothed whales, dolphins also rely upon sounds for communication. One reason might be that sound waves travel almost five times faster through water than through the air. Dolphins produce two kinds of sounds:whistlingandclicking. Dolphins primarily generate clicking sound forecholocationor ...
To hear sound, your ear has to do three basic things: Direct the sound waves into the hearing part of the ear Sense the fluctuations in air pressure Translate these fluctuations into an electrical signal that your brain can understand The pinna, the outer part of the ear, serves to ...
How do humans detect color? Considering your answer to this question, predict why some "colorblind" individuals are unable to distinguish between certain colors. Whales communicate with one another using sound. What are the benefits of using sound to communicate underwater? What are the costs?
Part of whale intelligence is the ability to use tools. While you won’t find any whales spearfishing to catch their prey (not evennarwhals) some whales do use the tools or techniques available to them to make their lives easier. For example, orcas can work together to form waves to push...
Dolphins use echolocation underwater, much like whales do. Echolocation allows dolphins to locate objects underwater by transmitting sound waves. They generate a high-pitched sound pulse or click in their foreheads that send sound signals into the water. The echo produced by the sound bouncing off...