in their voice boxes, they have a U-shaped tissue that allows them to breathe in massive amounts of air and a large “cushion” of fat and muscle not seen in other animal species. Whales sing by pushing the tissue against the fat and muscle cushion, Elemans s...
By blowing air through the voice boxes, scientists identified the tissues that vibrate (震动) and even created computer models to match them to recordings of similar whales taken in the wild.(这项由南丹麦大学的Coen Elemans领导的研究包括检查鲸鱼的喉舌,并在实验室中进行实验。通过将空气吹入音箱,...
Whales don't produce sounds the way we do. Our vocal-cord system wouldn't work too well underwater. Instead, whales produce sound bymoving inhaled air around the nasal cavity in front of their blowholes. In toothed whales, the sound-making system involves a complex arrangement of fatty tissu...
Scientists have long wondered how baleen whales can sing while holding their breath Experts already knew that baleen whales have a special larynx (喉) that enables them to sing. But they didn’t know exactly how they produced sound. “You can’t just go down a baleen whale and see what...
While only males produce songs, all humpback whales use non-song vocalizations to communicate with each other. A mother and calf use a variety of calls as they travel together. © How Do Humpback Whales Communicate: Non-Vocal Acoustic Communication While most humpback commun...
First, the whale has to produce a sound. Toothed whales don't have anything exactly like our vocal cords, although they have similar structures. It's thought that they produce their sounds in their nasal passages [source: Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust]. The melon, the fatty structure we...
Like other toothed whales, dolphins also rely upon sounds for communication. One reason might be that sound waves travel almost five times faster through water than through the air. Dolphins produce two kinds of sounds:whistlingandclicking. Dolphins primarily generate clicking sound forecholocationor ...
These are used to locate the sources of sound undersea. NOAA Earth's oceans are a cacophony of often bizarre noise, caused by a variety of sources, ranging from volcanic tremors to ships, to aquatic mammals such as humpback whales [source: Bobbitt]. Scientists from the National Oceanic ...
Whales like orcas are generally considered to be smarter than dogs. Factors including sociability, brain-to-body size, and the ability to problem-solve are all in favor of the orca being a more intelligent creature. However, dogs do somepretty amazing thingsthat can’t be achieved by whales,...
Sometimes, whales may try to sell their assets in smaller amounts over an extended period to avoid drawing attention to themselves. They can produce market distortions, sending the price up or down unexpectedly. This is why investors watch the known whale addresses to look for the number of tr...