they reason, "We've got their money and the stupid Eurpeans will pick them up a nd take them to Italy of Greece. Job done." And of course the stupid, hand - wringing, emotionasly retarded do gooders who are supporting organisations that are advertising for migrants in African newspapers...
cool without trying too hard, be trendy without hopping on a bandwagon, be easy enough to spell and remember, and (this one’s extra important) not be too similar to any other restaurants or small businesses in your area. You don’t want to inadvertently send foot traffic to the ...
20. Moving Business– Moving is one of those chores no one wants to take on. If you don’t own a big truck, you can still start a business as a professional packer. All you need are boxes, tape, some markers, and maybe a few plastic containers....
If you DO care about parsing CSV correctly, this will do it...relatively slowly as it works one char at a time. void ParseCSV(const string& csvSource, vector<vector<string> >& lines) { bool inQuote(false); bool newLine(false); string field; lines.clear(); vector<string> line; s...
What do you call it (‘cause I’m him (see also Robert Downey, Jr. in “The Singing Detective”) Are you faking?) Are we faking? Or, have you heard this all over? A machine, two road miners, 5:30. I can’t compete. So I can’t compete, the monsters will be showing (of,...
I'm in SOUTH AFRICA running a recycling co. for three years now, i have a contract for a SKIP LOADER TRUCK, for anyone who affords to buy that type of a truck irrespective of where you are, we are doing waste minimization for the CITY OF JOHANNESBURG, and we also buy Scrap Glass an...
I hit a long dry-spell recently where I could not tap into my creative side. Stress had a lot to do with it, but I think an equal amount had to do with the looming task of coding the particular designs hindering my ability to think freely. I do think I have reached a point ...
Sixth, has to tell Japan stop lying to the world Fukashima is not fixed and is killing the Pacific Ocean and we need to fix it. Seventh, he has to remove the DHS, NSA, Break the CIA, stop all this funding for the Pentagon. Eighth, he has to do something about the Fed and star...
I am not sure if moving up the food chain has all the benefits that we profess. I do know that there is a fine line between those who give a shit and those who prefer to stir it up. I do know that the price of bovine feces is always dropping. On this humble planet there are ...
” If “we assess that the Taliban is honoring the terms of the deal,” including “progress on the political front between the Taliban and the current Afghan government,” the U.S. will “reduce our presence toward a goal of zero in 2021.” But Mr. Esper made clear that the American...