Dinosaurs became extinct around 65 million years ago,so how do we know what they looked like and how they behaved? Bring your pupils to our Dino Scene investigation at the Natural History Museum to find out!If you want more from your dinosaur experience,you can actually spend the night in ...
A playful peek into the homes of poorly dinosaurs 'What if a dinosaur catches the flu? Does he whimper and whine in between each Atchoo?' Most certainly not! Dinosaurs get lots of juice and rest . They use hankies, take their medicine and are well-behaved at the doctor's! Brimming wit...
climate change biologists are reluctant to identify winners and losers in this great struggle for survival, but certainly species that have a plastic response the way those squid do have a great advantage over species with limited plasticity. from the warm waters of mexico, we traveled to the ...
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? GRADE S Pre-K - K $18.99 ADD TO CART Everyone's favorite dinosaurs are back--and this time they are going to school. More fun dinosaur antics await. These prehistoric pupils are in a class of their own!As in their previous books, Yolen and Te...
Except, apparently, it was. “I needed to know how big the snake was, so I called the only guy in the world who would be able to tell me,” Bloch said. That was Jason Head, then working at the University of Toronto. They had met in the early 1990s when Bloch was a graduate...
My son wanted to fly like an airplane, dance together and generally be silly. Together, we played monster chase, pretend wrestling and dinosaurs. He liked being big and powerful and I pretended to be very afraid. Other times my son pretended to fall into an abyss and I bravely waded throu...
Toddler night wakings are incredibly common, and painful for parents. They can be caused by inappropriate sleep associations, sleep regressions, hunger, environmental factor, too much time in bed, or even a new sibling. Here's how you can troubleshoot th
Science fiction promises that the world can be dramatically different — and presumably better — from what we experience every day, if we can only imagine it. We can have jetpacks, oscillation overthrusters, lightsabers and transporters. We can pilot starships, trade jibes with talking raccoons...
But the truth is that historical accuracy does not exist in fiction, nor can we know what the future would be like after a cataclysm. Everything in a fictional story has been manufactured by the storyteller, and accuracy is never a storyteller’s highest priority. How often do heroes throw...
Time went on and he had gone to Broadway and appeared inJekyll and Hyde. I don’t know how we hooked up, but I think 10 years had gone by and that’s my 10 year rule. I’ll forgive somebody after 10 years. The hex is off and I’m willing to forgive and forget and move on....