The uninsured and their health care needs: how have they changed since the recession? Washington (DC); The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; October 2011.Carrier, Emily, Tracy Yee and Rachel L. Garfield, The Uninsured and Their Health Care Needs: How Have They Changed Since the Recession?
And affordability of care is a health issue, too: When you don’t have the money to spend on a doctor’s visit or a medical procedure—as is the case for many underinsured and uninsured Americans—you risk suffering greater harm. “What insurers are trying to do is keep health care...
THE GAP IN THE SAFETY NET CANDID COMMENTS ON THE CHALLENGE OF HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH CARE FOR THE UNINSURED POOR Series: On the Table One in A Series of Peri... Objective To determine how the capacity and viability of local health care safety nets changed over the last six years and to ...
Because it is the case that the law requires hospitals to treat people who show up in the emergency room, right? But they can charge them if they’re uninsured. You do see the uninsured using the emergency room, you just see them using it more when they get insurance. The premise for...
Nobody really believed that all 47 million uninsured people would suddenly get health insurance under Obamacare, despite the subsidies and penalties. But the fact that five years has gone by and 60% of those who were uninsured are still uninsured seems like another example of incredible government...
The public’s perception of the health system provides valuable insights on health system performance and future directions of improvement. While China’s health care reform was a response to people’s discontent in the health care system due to the lack
May we all live long and never have to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act, even ifJoe Biden plans to offer more healthcare subsidies. Let's let the people who are financially struggling the most get subsidies from those of us who can pay more. ...
How do dental savings plans work? When you belong to one, you get a discount of 10% to 60% off services from dentists who are in the plan’s network. You pay a yearly fee (typically less than $150 for a family), and there’s no deductible, meaning you don’t have to have paid...
Erfan discussed how the Virtual ExpressCare program is a valuable solution for diverting lower acuity cases away from ambulances and overwhelmed EDs. NYC Health + Hospitalsserves over 1.2 million New Yorkers annually, including a substantial number of uninsured and underinsured individuals. Its emergency...
RFK pick poses uncertainty in areas of healthcare sector, says Wolfe Research's Marcus Tobin Just under 8% of the U.S. population is uninsured right now — the lowest rate in American history, said Michael Sparer, a professor at Columbia University and chair of its Department of Health Poli...