A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. Transistors are one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. 2.H...
A BJT is one of the most common types of transistors and can be either NPN or PNP. This means a BJT consists of three terminals: the emitter, the base and the collector. By joining these three layers, a BJT can amplify an electrical signal and switch the current on and off. Two kind...
This basic approach can be used to amplify all kinds of things, not just audio signals. Anything that can be carried by an electrical current --radioand video signals, for example -- can be amplified by similar means. Audio amplifiers seem to catch people's attention more than anything else...
This is why guitar audio signals are AC, or alternating current--as the strings alternate their direction of travel the signal voltage alternates between + and -. This tiny little AC signal is what the guitar amp will amplify until it's strong enough to move a speaker cone in and out. ...
A loudspeaker (or a speaker for short) is a device that converts electrical signals (music) into sound waves which we can hear. To do that the basic things it needs are an amplifier, a crossover, and a power supply to power everything up, the drivers and a box to enclosure them. ...
, particularly in electronic devices. For example, p-type and n-type semiconductors are used in the construction of diodes and transistors. Diodes are electrical components that allow current to flow in one direction and not the other, while transistors amplify and switch electronic signals....
When remote buttons are pressed, signals are generated in the form of electrical pulses that travel through the air. How do I increase the range of my RC transmitter? To increase the range, you can use transistors to strengthen your RC transmitter’s signals. However, this might be...
By creating a sine wave and running it through a wire, you create a simple radio transmitter. It is extremely easy to create a sine wave with just a few electronic components — acapacitorand aninductorcan create the sine wave, and a couple of transistors can amplify the wave into a powe...
When you do that you complete a specific connection. The chip senses that connection and knows what button you pressed. It produces a morse-code-line signal specific to that button. The transistors amplify the signal and send them to the LED, which translates the signal into infrared light. ...
The Edison machine relied on a large horn to amplify sound waves during playback, so it was entirely mechanical. Modern record players use electromagnetic devices to convert sound vibrations from a spinning record into electrical signals, which are then fed to an electronic amplifier that powers ...