Or that 26 million Americans have chronic kidney disease [source:National Kidney Foundation]? Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from renal failure each year and undergo dialysis or await a kidney transplant. But what do your kidneys do? Why are they so important? Don't they just pro...
This way, Cristea and her colleagues were able to determine the maturation of two important renal transporters, the OAT1 and OAT3. Without takingkidneysamples from children, they found a mathematical equation that showed this transporter matures quickly in the first year of life. Moreover, the r...
signs that a kidney detox is working: Kidney Stones: The kidneys help filter waste and excess water from your blood. Still, when they’re impaired by the buildup of chemicals in the body (from overindulging in certain foods like sugary drinks and processed items), you’ll end up with kid...
meditation techniques, yoga. All of them are the keys to heal your kidney problems. The idea here is that you should do something interesting and that also calms the body as well.
Your kidneys continually filter your blood to remove extra fluid and waste, which is released from the body as urine. They also help control blood pressure and keep bones healthy. Consider this information from Know Your Kidneys, an education campaign from the American Kidney Fund, Boehringer Inge...
there are a number of people believing in this approach as it helps their children learn how to get out of a nondestructive way indeed. In other words, they are absolutely able to remove their feelings of frustration, pull themselves, and regain their own control without dropping in a battle...
Kidney stones, also called urinary stones, are rock-like substances in one or both of your kidneys. They form when you have an imbalance of minerals, likecalciumor uric acid, in your urine (pee). Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a a golf ball, altho...
This medicine is available with or without a doctor's order. NSAIDs can cause stomach bleeding or kidney problems in certain people. If you take blood thinner medicine, always ask your healthcare provider if NSAIDs are safe for you. Always read the medicine label and follow directions. ...
Symptoms of kidney disease include nausea, decreased appetite, swelling of the ankles and lower legs, generalized fatigue, itching and dry skin, foamy and bloody urine, bad taste in the mouth, and mental status changes. Your body is designed to naturally detox and remove excess uric acid from...
They're also used to treat kidney problems (nephrotic syndrome), liver disease (cirrhosis), and swelling (edema). Loop diuretics are more powerful than thiazide diuretics, meaning you'll be peeing a lot. They're very useful in emergencies. These pills also remove potassium along with water an...