In "Science vs. Nature", while the riders were looking for a place to hide the dragons from Jörmungandr, he badly burned and poisoned the area, causing the trees and plants to die. So, when they were looking for any dragons that needed their help, Tom finds one of the Nadders badly...
— Dragons: Titan Uprising “ On Berk, the tradition of shooting fireworks on the fourth day of the seventh moon has a long heritage, though most Hooligans are ignorant of the reason for the celebration. Hookfang knows this heritage, because he listens.Gothi knows the true story, and she ...
IGN:Would you say that this game comes even closer to the vision you had in mind when creating the previous title? Itsuno:I would. As far as what I set out to do in the first game, I never wanted to create an infinitely large world, or one with an endless number of people in i...
It might be a house key to a trap-house of explosive boxes (have a rune with it), or it could be a key to nothing just to provide something which the looter would take priority in looting first when/if you die. What is important here is what is SHOULD NOT be. It should not be...
While purchasing a bearded dragon from a breeder, it might be tempting to ponder if breeding your bearded dragon for a clutch of eggs and some baby dragons is something you can do at home. Though bearded dragons can be bred with success in captivity, the task is best left to experts and...
One of the enduring mysteries ofGame of Thronesis what happened to Westeros’ dragons prior to the events of the series. Why did they die off? The new prequel seriesHouse of the Dragonis set in a time when the dragons are still very much alive, and very important to the fate of House...
Indeed, whileColdplay,Imagine Dragonsand every other stadium rock band with a messianic figure have tried to muscle in on their territory, the world-conquering, world-saving quartet remain kings of their own frontier. It was bassistAdam Claytonwho set the wheels in motion for their remarkabl...
I do advise lending your players dice, or having them purchase their own (if they've got the $8 to spare for a basic set at their LFGS). The physical act of rolling dice and the anticipation of the roll is part of the fun, and the tactile experience can help to get them engaged...
If you want to save yourself having to remember what the value of the spades are, you can write their modified value on them. You can do this with basically any die that D&D uses. For percentile, split the hearts and spades into two decks and pull one of each (just like using two ...
you ended up with yellow dragons, which was pretty cool, but not really what either of you wanted. Then on the next project you worked with Theo and even though you had different ideas, they were similar enough, and you still both compromised, but not as much as you had to do with ...