How a guitar makes sound String vibration resonates throughout the body Guitars consist of two sections: the neck and the body. Strings are run from the neck to the body. When a string is plucked its vibration is transmitted from the bridge, resonating throughout the top of the guitar. It...
It would be a great help if I knew what moving from 2nd to 4th order, extension, trim, room gain or how all the rest of the adjustments affected the sound. Better yet, what adjustments do I make to tighten the bass, get rid of muddy bass or ringing on certain notes? What changes ...
Make sure that the speeds are all in the same units, such as feet per second. Which one is the fastest? Do you think that the speed varies depending on how warm it is? Is warm water better for the speed of sound - in other words, does it speed up sound or slow down sound?
Doing church sound for worship – the ultimate guide part 1. If faith comes by hearing, shouldn’t our church sound systems be a priority? Many churches invest heavily in audio and media systems, and others, unfortunately, do not. Whether you’re a small, mid-size, or mega-church, ...
In this article, we'll look at the mechanical systems that make hearing possible. We'll trace the path of a sound, from its original source all the way to your brain, to see how all the parts of the ear work together. When you understand everything they do, it's clear that your ...
If you do decide to use 2 mics, make sure the signals are in time with each other. If they're out of sync, this can cause phase problems or comb-filtering. You can minimize potential phase problems by ensuring each mic is at an equal distance from the soundhole. However, to keep yo...
When you sit in front of a grand piano, your eyes are drawn not only to the keys but also to the three pedals at your feet. But what do the piano pedals do? These pedals play a crucial role in shaping the sound and expression of the piano. ...
What effect do background acoustics have on sound quality? Something just as, if not more important than the quality of your microphone is the quality of the acoustics and level of background noise in the environment you are using the microphone in. Background noise can make it more difficult...
“It’s perfectly plausible that sound quality makes a difference, because it’s often small and subtle cues that trigger emotions, like the breath of the singer or the squeak of the guitar strings,” explains Dr. Müllensiefen. “If the sound is blurred or muffled, then it doesn’t have...
"How do I make my own beats?" Keep reading to find out how Download Music Maker Free, install the program and select the "Create beat" option from the start dialog. This will open an empty project with Beatbox ready to use in the lower area. Click the arrow in the upper left to ...