When Do Squirrels Have Babies? Different species of squirrel can give birth at different times of the year. For example, white-tailed antelope squirrels have their babies in the spring while southern flying squirrels produce one litter in spring and another in fall.1 There are dozens of ...
Spread predator urine around your garden. Garden nurseries will carry repellents made with the urine of squirrels’ predators, such as foxes or coyotes. These repellents are meant to be sprayed around gardens to keep squirrels away, so they will need to be reapplied regularly. Be sure to che...
Baby squirrels are no longer in attics at this time of year. It is safe to either trap or use a one-way exclusion door, if you know the entry point. If not, sit outside your house until you see it go in. A cat or other pet won't help. If you do use the Havahart trap, ba...
Because squirrels are cute and can actually become quite familiar with human beings, they can be seen as potential pets. However, they are rodents and do not make good pets. They are excellent climbers and chewers and can chew their way into almost anything. So how are they to be kept ou...
How long do opossums live? Opossums have a relatively short life span in contrast to other mammals of their size. They usually live only one to two years in the wild. Mother opossums give birth to litters of tinyopossum babiesthe size of honeybees, known as joeys, which crawl inside ...
Mice in the house create a mess with their droppings, cause damage to structures, and carry disease. In this article, we’ll tell you how to 1) be sure it’s mouse damage, 2) do your own pest inspection, and 3) employ our 10 natural mouse repellents that work!
I can show you how to find and remove a dead squirrel from the house and tell you why squirrels often Die in Houses and Attics. Read about the squirrel's natural diet, the diseases they carry, what squirrel feces look like, and what they do with their tails. Learn if a pest control...
The world was fresh and exciting to the year-old Baxter, a new adventure every few feet. There were scents to smell, bushes to mark, trains to chase and trash to devour. Not to mention all the creatures that preoccupied him: squirrels to lunge after, dogs to sniff, cats to scare and...
How to Get Rid of Groundhogs In Garden or Yard - Groundhogs, otherwise known as woodchucks, are small rodents that are related to squirrels but live primarily in the ground instead of in trees. However, groundhogs can climb trees and they can swim as well which means that they can live...
If you find a nest with eggs or baby squirrels in it, you don’t want to harm them. Leave the nests (and your bushes) alone until the babies have (literally) left the nest. Once you’re sure the nests are no longer in use, you can relocate them and carry on with your pruning ...