Salt stress is one of the environmental constraints that restrict plant distribution, growth and yield in many parts of the world. Increased world population surely elevates food demands all over the globe, which anticipates to add a great challenge to humanity. These concerns have necessitated the...
If you do go with MH/HPS grow lights, you definitely want to make sure you’re getting the exact right lights for your space so you don’t pay for more light than you really need. HID lighting (HPS in particular) has another problem in that it’s much less popular than a it used...
Why does a high concentration of salt in the soil tend to reduce germination? How does the polarity of water help it to move upwards in a plant? What is meant by the terms "cohesion" and "adhesion"? How do they differ? How do terrestrial plants regulate the amount of water they transp...
Add salt. The ratio here is 6:1. So, for 2 tablespoons of shampoo, use 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of salt Mix until the concoction is smooth in texture. Freeze for 15 minutes. Remove and play! Note: To keep slime from drying out, store it in a sealed sandwich bag. Don't use foil or...
saltmarshshear boxtidal wetlandsSalt marshes are globally distributed, vegetated intertidal wetlands and marsh edge erosion is common on many shores. To understand how and why marsh edge erosion occurs, the response of salt marsh substrates to applied shear and vertical stress must first be ...
upon specific soil moisture conditions that allow for the necessary water potential gradients to develop. While coarse soils may enable HR under specific conditions, their overall tendency to rapidly dissipate water potential gradients and limit root-soil water exchange generally makes them less favorable...
How can flowing water affect the fertility of soils? Why do larger plants transpire more than smaller plants? Explain. How is groundwater replenished? What does Gravity do when it comes to plant growth? Why does guttation only work in small herbaceous plants? How is drainage affected by soil...
salt spray from the ocean. Most grasses will not grow well in this type of environment, butSeashore Paspalumthrives in a salt-affected sites.Zoysiagrass,Bermudagrass, andSt. Augustinegrassall tolerate moderate to high levels of salinity, whileBahiagrassandCentipedegrasshave less tolerance for salt....
How do rhizomes develop after being planted? Farmers sometimes plant clover or other legumes in fields during seasons when they are not growing crops. When a crop planting season approaches, the "cover crop" is plowed under. Explain the...
Another pine tree blight, Dothistroma needle blight, also called red-band needle blight, leads to excessive defoliation. Trees don’t die directly from it, but they become vulnerable to blight and attack by creatures such as bark beetles. Pine trees affected: This common mugo pine disease (se...