A quark (/kwɔːrk, kwɑːrk/) is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which areprotons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. ... Up and down quarks have the low...
How can scientists search for strange matter if no one's ever seen it? Well, they actually do know what bits of strange matter would look like on Earth if it weren't dangerous. It would resemble our regular atoms -- a positively charged core made of quarks, with electrons around -- on...
What does two top quarks and one bottom quark make? How do scientists study quarks? Are atoms made of quarks? Are up or down quarks heavier? Are protons made of quarks? How are quarks detected? Are quarks elementary particles? If not, what are they? Are quarks made of baryonic matter?
What quarks make up a proton? Do plants absorb particulate matter? What element was created in a particle accelerator? How were quarks discovered?Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing ...
The photons mingled freely with quarks, the smallest building blocks of matter. When the universe was 0.00001 seconds old, quarks combined to form protons and neutrons. When the universe was 0.01 seconds old, protons and neutrons began to organize into atoms. Finally, when the universe was the...
We may not know how it started,but we do know that everything in the universe is connected from the infinitelysmall things like quarks and gluons to the infinitely big like space itself. How come, Well, remember how Isaid things cool down enough for things to stick together? Yeah, so qu...
How are quarks created? How was antimatter discovered? When was dark matter created? How was dark energy discovered? What prevents a neutron star from collapsing and becoming a black hole? Is space made of dark matter? How dense is dark matter? How is antimatter stored? How does the Large...
The photons mingled freely with quarks, the smallest building blocks of matter. When the universe was 0.00001 seconds old, quarks combined to form protons and neutrons. When the universe was 0.01 seconds old, protons and neutrons began to organize into atoms. Finally, when the universe was the...
Electrons, protons and neutrons, for instance, are the subatomic particles that make up an atom. Scientists believe that the Higgs boson is the particle that gives all matter its mass. Experts know that elementary particles like quarks and electrons are the foundation upon which all matter in th...
Surely the fundamental particles that make up matter are tiny, indivisible objects with concrete properties such as position and mass? Since the dawn of quantum mechanics, the theory that governs their workings, we have known that particles do spin – or at least possess a property superficially ...