Looks at how one class of chaperone molecules, called charperonins, performs the task of shepherding the newly made proteins away from each other and helping them fold into the correct shape. Report of the research published in the August 21, 1997 issue of `Nature'; How the scientists ...
The protein produced fromDkk4and related proteins often work in conjunction with another group of proteins,those in the Wnt family. The pair have been linked to Turing patterning in a system not directly related to color: In mice, interactions between Wnts as activators and Dkks as inhibitors...
do biology’s heavy lifting.In the guise ofenzymes they catalyse the chemistry that keeps bodies running.Actin and myosin, the proteins of muscles, permit those bodies to move around.Keratinprovides their skin and hair.Haemoglobincarries
A new study of domestic cats has revealed which genes give felines their distinctive fur patterns and hints that the same genetics may grant wild cats, such as tigers and cheetahs, their characteristic coats. How cats get their stripes is a decades-old mystery in the life sciences, senior ...
Then why is it that only a minority of people actually succeeds in getting the desired shape and size in their body? It might be because your body is not getting the amount of Protein it needs to repair, build and maintain muscle tissues. Here is, what proteins are, its sources, and ...
Understanding the homing and activation pathways of these immune cells, their disease-associated dynamics and their regulation by microbial and metabolic factors will be crucial for the development of clinical interventions for atherosclerosis, including potentially vaccination-based therapeutic strategies. Here...
Adherens junction provides strong mechanical attachment between neighbouring cells through the linkage of their cytoplasmic face to the actin cytoskeleton. BAR-domain protein Highly conserved protein dimerization domains that occur in many proteins involved in membrane dynamics and act as connecting links ...
2d–g) is that the organic matter-rich nano-layers are films of biomolecules (peptides, proteins, etc.) entombed between mineral-rich nano-layers28. Potential reasons for these rapid nano-layer shifts might include frequent changes in human host and kidney physiology, urine biochemistry and ...
Various cell lines not only differ in size and shape, but also in their growth behavior. They either grow as adherent cells (fibroblastic and epithelial cells) or in suspension (lymphoblast-like cells). Most adherent cell lines grow as a single cell layer (monolayer) attached to glass...
Proteins tend to attract water to keep their relative concentration in blood vessels more in line with fluid outside the blood vessels. This is one of the ways the body maintains a constant volume of blood. Plasma contains 6.5 to 8.0 grams of protein per deciliter of blood. The main ...