How do probiotics work? The exact mechanisms by which probiotics work are not fully understood, but it is believed that they can help to improve gut health by balancing the ratio of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. Probiotics may also help to strengthen the immune system and red...
How the gut was won: A PROBIOTICS ROUNDTABLE. (cover story)The article discusses a round table discussion which was held at the 2011 Nutracon convention and featured executives from nutritional and dietary supplement firms including Armin Salmen of NextFoods, Grant Washington-Smith of Blis ...
particularly our gut. They are a type of friendly bacteria that naturally live in our body, particularly in the digestive system. Probiotics help in breaking down food and keeping our gut healthy by fighting off harmful bacteria.
Just about every one of us has heard how probioticsimprove our gut health. But did you know that probiotic gardening can improve your plant’s health? Now, before you tip your yogurt around your plants, stop. The concept is similar, but there are many differences between your gut probiotics...
TheWorld Health Organization defines "probiotics" as "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host."In other words, they are living microbes in food that make it to your gut and (hopefully) set up camp there, providing some kind of bene...
Probiotics are live microorganisms found in our bodies, mainly in the gut but also in areas like the vaginal and skin microbiome. These friendly microbes help keep our digestive system balanced and support overall health. However, when the balance of these microorganisms is disrupted, it can lead...
How do antibiotics kill bacteria? Many antibiotics, including penicillin, work byattacking the cell wall of bacteria. Specifically, the drugs prevent the bacteria from synthesizing a molecule in the cell wall called peptidoglycan, which provides the wall with the strength it needs to survive in the...
Studies show healthy gut bacteria, also known as probiotics, can help improve your health and running performance. Here's how to make it work better for you.
Here’s how to restore healthy gut flora and maintain the microbiome in your gut! Best Probiotics for Women When it comes to restoring gut flora, probiotics work best! But what exactly are probiotics? Probiotics are made up of live microorganisms and can help restore balance to a ...
Nutritionist Nikki Ostrower of NAO Nutrition has the layman’s definition: Basically, probiotics are beneficial strains of bacteria. How do they work? We all have microorganisms living on us, inside us, and in our gut. Collectively, they’re called a microbiome. But when we take antibiotics,...