Decaying plants Dirty filters FishLab Fact:Overfeeding is the number one cause of high nitrate levels in aquariums. Not only do overfed fish poop more, but any uneaten food rots, leading to even more nitrates. Overstocking your aquarium comes in as a close second – watch thatbioload!
Plants absorb the nitrates and other nutrients from the water through their roots. As they take up these nutrients, they clean and filter the water, which is then recirculated back to the fish tank. This nutrient uptake supports plant growth and productivity, allowing for the cultivation of a...
A naturally occurring substance made up of the element fluorine, found naturally in rocks, plants, water, and soil. Water absorbs fluoride from the ground as it passes through. However, the amount of fluoride may differ from one place to another. If you are consuming well water, it is impo...
2. How Long Do the Beneficial Bacteria Take to Convert Ammonia Into Nitrites/nitrates? The entire nitrification process might take roughly 2 to 6 weeks to complete in a new tank (this may take even longer in water below 70 degrees Fahrenheit). ...
plantsfoodsoilnitratesnitrateions HowPlantsGetTheirFood(1) Howdoplantsgettheirfood? Thesoilwaswateredbutnothingelsewasadded.After5years,the treehadgained74kginweightbutthesoilhadlostonly52g. vanHelmontconcludedthatthetreehadmade74kgofnewgrowth fromwateralone 2 90.72kgsoil Inthe17thCentury,ABelgianphysician...
In answering the question of “what are superfoods,” it would be impossible not to mention this super nutritious fruit. Yes, although the avocado is commonly enjoyed and used in cooking as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit from theLauraceaefamily of plants. ...
Wait a minute!Plants eat Ammonia, Algae, Minerals and Nitrates! Everything that fish produce naturally! What if you connect the two together? This is where themagic of aqua-ponics comes in!... If you connect the fish-tank water to the water of the hydroponics system... your plants get...
20 House Painting Secrets How to Make Dry Ice 8 Super-Effective Ways to Soundproof a Room The Best Raised Garden Beds for Easy Planting 9 Best Basement Lighting Options for Any Space A No-fail Guide To Wood Floor Sanding 9 Best Attic Fans for Keeping Your House Cool ...
When they do that, the roots can get in between the macroaggregates. When they break open, those microaggregate sites can release some of these reduced elements to the plant. Plants don't grow in saturated soil. The roots don't grow. They also cannot access a lot ...
If you are planning to put plants in your backyard pond, it’s a good idea to slope your shallows back just a bit towards the wall (vs. a level ledge) so that your plants & your pebbles don’t slowly slide into the center of the pond. *see sketch above* Next, mark where you’...