Plants need which molecules to carry out photosynthesis? How do red blood cells transport oxygen? What is the process by which plants obtain nitrogen? How do the lungs and heart transport oxygen in the cardiorespiratory system? How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis complementary processes?
What causes plants to wilt? Describe how the root hair cells absorb minerals from the soil. How are water, mineral salts, and food (sugar) transported throughout the plant? Why does blue light help the plants grow the most? How do horticulture and botany differ? What is nitrogen fixation?
The need to limit antibiotic therapy due to the spreading resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to these medicinal substances stimulates research on new therapeutic agents, including the treatment and prevention of animal diseases. This is one of the g
Do Plants Have Feelings? The Beautiful Water Hyacinth: An Invasive Plant and a Biofuel How Do Roots Work? Functions, Structure, and Human Uses Carnivorous Plants: Insect Eating Plants
Carrots do well when planted after beans and other legumes. The extra nitrogen set by legumes will give carrots a boost. Amend the soil when planting carrots after heavy feeders such as peppers. If you leave a few carrots in the ground over winter, the flowers they produce in the second ...
To explain, I am going to do a very brief recap of the nitrogen cycle. Before waste becomes nitrates, there are a couple of steps that happen first. 1.As waste breaks down, it gives off ammonia. 2.A bacteria callednitrosomonasbreaks down theammoniainto nitrites. ...
How do plants get the nitrogen they need to grow? How do plants control tropisms? How do annual plants reproduce? How do some plants develop poisonous berries? How do conifers grow? Why is the seed an important plant adaptation? What determines which plants grow where?
Woody mulch, such as shredded bark, uses nitrogen as it decays. Apply extra nitrogen to prevent the decay process from consuming soil nitrogen that plants need for growth. Mulch new plants with straw or chopped leaves after planting in the fall to prevent root damage during winter. A little ...
At midseason side-dress plants with well-aged compost or feed with an even organic fertilizer such as 5-5-5 or 10-10-10. Too much nitrogen can result in very large leaves, extra leaf growth, and small heads or sprouts. In regions with heavy rains or sandy soil, supplement the soil ...