How do water molecules move through the cell membrane during osmosis? Why are animal cells more irregularly shaped than plant cells? How does amoeba move actin filaments? How do plants store glucose? How do plants get rid of water from cellular respiration?
Plants respire just like every organism does. Respiration is the process by which a plant converts the energy stored in the form of glucose or “food” into resourceful chemical energy. This process is essential for providing the “workers” with the energy to carry out metabolic reactions. The...
Why does glucose have to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream? How does acetyl-CoA enter gluconeogenesis? How do plants store glucose? How does the brain use glucose? What does sugar do to endothelial cells? What metabolic pathway begins the catabolism of glucose?
removing the weakest plants so the seedlings are between 2 and 4 inches apart. Reserve the greens and prepare them in the kitchen if they are big enough.
If other plants can thrive on gases in the air plus water from the soil, why do Venus flytraps eat insects? Flytraps actually get a good deal of their sustenance like other plants do, through the process ofphotosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use the energy of the sun to drive a...
What Do Plants Do With The Glucose Molecules? How Are Fruits Made? Plants make fruits to lure in animals to disperse their seeds. Animals eat the nutritious fruit, and then drop the seeds on the ground. What we call vegetables are just different parts of the plant—typically the leaves, ...
We frst have to understand what leaves are and whatthey do.Leaves are the world's food factories. Plants take wate frorm the ground and take CO: from the ai. Plants use sunlight toturn water and CO into glucose(葡萄糖). Glucose is a kind of sugar Using i as food, plants get ...
Thin carrots in two stages: (1) when seedlings are about 2 inches tall and true leaves have appeared, thin plants to stand 2 inches apart in rows; snip off weak plants at the crown; do not disturb the roots of plants that remain; (2) at midseason, thin again; pull up some baby ...
52 HowdoPlantsMakeTheirOwnFood? 1Youknow,ofcourse,thattherearehundredsof thousandsofdifferentplantsintheworld.Howmanykindsof plantscanyouthinkof?Therearetrees,bushes,vegetables,flowers, grasses,andmanymore.Eventhoughtherearesuchavarietyofplants,all ofthemhaveseveralthingsincommon. 2Plantshaveroots.Rootsare...
Early cave paintings of hunting scenes may give the impression our Stone Age ancestors lived mainly on chunks of meat, but plants—and the ability to unlock the glucose inside—were just as key to their survival. Plants rich in starch helped early humans to thrive even at the height of the...