2. Then their leaves absorb sunlight. Finally, the plants make the sugar as its own food and make O2 that humans need.(你可能想知道它们是如何用这三种东西制作自己的食物的。首先,植物吸收水和二氧化碳。然后它们的叶子吸收阳光。最后,植物将糖作为自己的食物,并制造人类需要的氧气。)可知,这是植物制造...
How do photovoltaic cells produce electricity? a. The energy of the light breaks electrons free in the cell, and this creates an electronic current. b. The cells focus the sunlight and absorb the heat, creating energy. c. The cells contain hot water, whic ...
根据第三段“The plant robot will go for sunlight when it needs sun, then will move around in order to absorb the sunlight on all sides. When it needs to cool off, it will look for shade.(当植物机器人需要阳光时,它会去寻找阳光,然后它会四处移动,以吸收四面八方的阳光。当它需要降温的时候...
Plants absorb most of the red light that hits them, but plants only absorb some of the far-red light that hits them. They reflect the rest. Remember this, because it's going to be relevant in an experiment I want to discuss.This fascinating experiment showed that plants not only detect ...
Two processes occur in a plant to help it absorb water: capillary action and transpiration. Flowers absorb water through the xylem, a tissue of thin tubes found on the outer stem of plants. Its job is to transport water and nutrients from the roots to al
【题目】阅读理解Dont know how to take care of your plants? You might need this little spider-like robot. I will chase the sunlight, run to shade, dance when i's doing well andstomp when it needs to be watered.It's called the HEXA Plant, a six-legged machine created by Vincross, a...
When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing
well and stomp (跺脚) when it needs to be watered.It's called the HEX A Plant, a six-legged machine created by Vincross, a technology company in Beijing,China.The plant robot will go for sunlight when it needs sun, then will move around in order to absorb the sunlight on all sides....
Sunlight includes both red (wavelength 600-700 nm) and far-red light (wavelength 700-800 nm) light. Plants absorb both red and far-red light, but they only reflect far-red light. Far-red light promotes the elongation of vegetative parts, whereas red light promotes flowering (in some plant...
Why do plant roots absorb water mainly by osmosis? What are five important uses of plants? How to plants conserve water via: a. Leaf b. Stem Explain what happens when a wilting young plant is well-watered. List and briefly explain the five things plants require in order to grow. Why is...