Unrelated tangent: It took a little while, but the laws governing the massive and the massless are even more inter-related than the ‘Stein originally thought. He figured out that the energy of a photon is related to it’s frequency (E=hf), but why are photons so special? Why do ...
The photons (yellow blobs) carry their energy down through the cell. The photons give up their energy to electrons (green blobs) in the lower, p-type layer. The electrons use this energy to jump across the barrier into the upper, n-type layer and escape out into the circuit. Flowing ar...
How do quantum dots work? How does a dye laser work? How has the excimer laser developed over the years? How is a photon emitted? What is the difference between a maser and a laser? How do photons carry electromagnetic force? What features give fiber lasers their power?
We call these individual particles of light photons: each one is a tiny packet of electromagnetic energy.Seeing with photons is fine if you want to look at things that are much bigger than atoms. But if you want to see things that are smaller, photons turn out to be pretty clumsy and ...
As we pass up through the photosphere, the temperature drops and the gases, because they are cooler, do not emit as much light energy. This makes them less opaque to the human eye. Therefore, the outer edge of the photosphere looks dark due to an effect called limb darkening that accoun...
How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity? Each solar panel comprises a cluster of PV cells that turn daylight (photons) into solar energy. An inverter then converts the energy to electricity transfers and transfers it to a solar battery, which stores the electricity to power your devices and ap...
Once an electron moves to a higher-energy orbit, it eventually wants to return to the ground state. When it does, it releases its energy as a photon — a particle of light. You see atoms releasing energy as photons all the time. For example, when the heating element in a toaster turns...
Solar generators use photovoltaic panels that capture photons from the sun. The semiconductors within them, usually silicon, release electrons in the process. Those electrons then flow in one direction through the panels as DC (direct current) electricity. That DC energy then flows from the photov...
So do we consciously convert invisible energy into visible energy? You do it every time you believe something. And the best place to study the power of your mind and belief system is to study what you worry about. Because that's what occupies your attention more than your dreams an...
This was Einstein's explanation: If the energy in light comes in bundles, then one can think of light as containing tiny lumps, or photons. When these photons strike a metal surface, they act like billiard balls, transferring their energy to electrons, which become dislodged from their "...