People running these scams recruit people with good credit and offer to pay them for the use of their Social Security numbers to open credit card accounts. The scammers rack up huge balances on the cards to generate rewards points, convert the points to cash, then cancel the purchases. In ...
The high demand for Steam gift cards is both good and bad. Because almost everybody wants to get their hands on this digital asset, it means some people are willing to do anything for them to have it. Even if it is illegal. This is why it is important for you to know the possibleS...
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. what to do if you’re a victim of a credit card scam if you think you’ve been a victim of a credit card scam, here are some steps you can take: contact your creditors. if you suspect you have a fraudulent charge, you can ...
Flexible expiration: Because of the Credit CARD Act of 2009, gift cards don’t expire until five years after the activation date; they do not incur dormancy fees either. Scammers can collect Steam or other gift card information and store it for years before use, which can complicate an inve...
If you've been the victim of a scam: Report it:If you or a family member has fallen victim to a scam, report it to your local police, as well as theCanadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Talk about it:If you've fallen victim to a scam, share your story. The more people who know about th...
Checking your credit scores is a small but important part to building a plan to help you manage debt and achieve your financial goals. The key is to stick to trusted sources. “Unfortunately, many scam websites on the internet offer free credit scores. Sticking with well-known, reputable ...
More than four out of five US adults will use a credit card this year. But despite how commonplace credit card usage is, most people don’t really know how the process works. Authorization, for instance, is an integral step in every card transaction. Even so, the authorization process itse...
Credit card fraud has increased in the Philippines, so stay alert. By ANRI ICHIMURA Suck at money? Congrats. You’re part of the 99 percent of people in their 20s floundering when it comes to finance. Adulting is hard, and money is harder—especially when it’s your own and no...
Do the little things right Never provide credit card information over social media. Follow best practices for securitywhen making card purchases by phone. Don’t let other people use your card. Don’t conduct credit card transactions in public places, such as libraries and airports, and on publ...
Credit cards and gift cards are regularly stolen. How do thieves get your card? How can you keep safe from credit card fraud?