1洪水、火山爆发(volcanic eruptions),地震和海啸(tsunamis)等自然灾害时有发生。面对自然灾害我们应该怎么做呢? 请你根据以下要点提示以 "How to deal with natural disasters" 为题写一篇英语短文:1.自然灾害造成的损失惨重;2.我们应该掌握有关自然灾害的知识并做好充分准备;当自然灾害来临时,要坚定信念,团结一致,...
Volcanic eruptions can affect the climate. How does a large volcanic eruption affect the climate? A. Make the climate warmer B. Make the climate cooler C. Have no effect on the climate D. Make the climate more stable 相关知识点:
How do we prepare for infrequent huge volcanic eruptions?s) Eruption volume (DRE 106 m3)
“We have a lot of work to do to understand the underlying mechanics” behind volcanic eruptions, says volcanologist and study coauthor Patricia Gregg of the University of Illinois. “We can use statistics to tease out patterns,” she tells Popular Mechanics. ...
Seismometers are instruments used by scientist to predict volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and explosions. Prediction of these natural occurring events takes careful and details observation. The first seismometer ever made comes from China as early as the second century....
Recent studies show that dike injections in composite volcanoes and rift zones are much more common than dike-fed eruptions. Although this observation is of fundamental importance in volcanic hazard studies, and for understanding the formation and structure of the ocean crust, the mechanisms that prev...
Interpreting subsurface volcanic structures using geologically constrained 3-D gravity inversions: Examples of maar-diatremes, Newer Volcanics Province, so... We present results and a method to geophysically image the subsurface structures of maar volcanoes to better understand eruption mechanisms and ris...
Understanding the impact of volcanic eruptions on the rainfall over global monsoon regions is of great scientific and social importance. In the new study, after analyzing large data sets of observations and climate model simulation, researchers from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and In...
Many people start with food storage, but it’s really not your first, most emergent need. Many pantries in the USA have a few weeks of food reserves you can count on and access to water, shelter, medical care and clean air will really be your first hurdles to overcome in an emergency...
However, it is often impossible to give a final answer to whether two eruptive events at the same volcano should be considered two eruptions or two phases of the same eruption.Eruptions in 2015 exampleThe most widely accepted scientific database for volcanic eruption data is Simithsonian's ...