How Do You Approach Seizures in the High Altitude Traveler?ingentaconnectHigh Altitude Medicine & Biology
How do you differentiate pseudoseizures from real seizures? Evidence-based answer: During an attack, findings such as asynchronous or side-to-side movements, crying, and eye closure suggest pseudoseizures, whereas occurrence during sleep indicates a true seizure. After the event, the lack of any ...
Lupus can cause inflammation in the brain resulting in headaches, memory loss, strokes, or seizures If Lupus impacts the lungs, the patient can catch pneumonia In the heart, lupus can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or result in a heart attack ...
As bad as sugar can be,artificial sweeteners are worse.The worst offender is aspartame,marketed as Nutrasweet or Equal.It has been responsible for more adverse reactions reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives bined.It has been linked to tumors,seizures,headaches,altered...
Susan Johnson So Texas has nothing? I am on opiods for chronic pain and they do not help that much. I have been reading about CBD oil, is that illegal too in Texas? Get a medical card in less than 10 minutes Get My Card
Life of Kratom store owner Jack Smith was one of the people who testified to keep Kratom legal. (WSYX) 1 TOPICS:KratomOhioRegulationsHerbal supplementAddictionSeizuresMitragynineConsumer protection COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — The divide deepens in the debate regarding the use of Kratom in c...
Heatstroke signs and symptoms include: High body temperature.A core body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher, obtained with a rectal thermometer, is the main sign of heatstroke. Altered mental state or behavior.Confusion, agitation, slurred speech, ...
This remedy is one of underestimated tips on how to deal with epilepsy seizures. If you have a seizure disorder, do not hesitate to share your illness with other patients to find empathy. Interacting with other people who also have the same situation as yours could help you cope with your ...
Ice-melting chemicals, which can irritate the skin or lead to digestive upset if licked from the fur. Large ingestions can even causemuscle tremorsandseizures. These risks increase the longer dogs are outside and the more miles they travel. ...
Seizures:Seizures are episodes of shaking, jerking, or loss of consciousness. They are caused by erratic electrical activity in the brain, usually resulting from brain damage or a birth defect. If there is a concern that you may have had a seizure, your healthcare provider will do some tests...