In that case, it is noteworthy that Dickinson does not describe God as perfect far from it. “He fumbles at your Soul/As Players at the Keys” (1-2) are the first two lines of the poem. Here, using simile, God is described as a piano player, not playing masterfully but merely ...
How Best to Describe God
What was Epicurus's view of the god's roles in the cosmos? How did Epicurus view death? How do Epicurus and Lucretius describe the soul? How did Franklin exemplify Epicurus's philosophy? Was Epicurus an atheist? How did Epicurus die?
Second, it is used to describe God’s actions toward us. For example, when we are saved, God glorifies us by making us His children (John 1:12). He also glorifies us by giving us eternal life (Romans 8:30). We’re going to focus primarily on how we glorify God since this is ...
Do we compromise our Christian beliefs or family’s needs? We need to take a good look at our actions and the motives behind our actions to get to where we want to be. Sometimes we need to take a step back and be contented. If we allow God to use what we have He will take us ...
“in the image of God” in the most literal sense when trying to describe God’s appearance. Because God is a spirit, there must be a spiritual dimension. However, we understand this concept, the fact that God the Father is spirit does have implications for what it means to be God’s...
Bishop Jeremiah uses the word baggage to describe the beliefs, especially outdated or unhelpful beliefs, which influence how people think. 耶利米主教用包袱这个词来描述影响人们思维方式的信仰,尤其是过时或无益的信仰。 Emotional baggage tends to influence the feelings of one individual, while historical ...
Are there things we prioritize over God? It’s essential to recognize these and turn back to Him, seeking His forgiveness and guidance. Ezekiel 15: The Useless Vine Chapter 15 uses the metaphor of a vine to describe the people of Jerusalem. A vine is only valuable if it bears fruit; ...
'... I say this in press all the time but people cut it out... it was nothing but the grave of God." Tyler佩里說, 「人們要求我一直, 『您怎麼做了它?』… 我一直說此在新聞中,但居於裁減它… 它是上帝墳墓。「[translate]
The same Greek word is used to describe the boils that God brought on the Egyptians, those with which Satan tormented Job, and those that covered the body of the beggar Lazarus. John MacArthur says they will be open, oozing, incurable sores. ...