Second, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the SAME THING as “Mormons,” but we typically do not refer to ourselves as “Mormons” any more. The term “Mormons” originated as a negative, mocking name by the same mobs that ended up murdering Joseph Smith, ...
There are reams of compiled church records from around the world held by the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormons). You may find your ancestor’s birth or baptism (the next best thing) record among those records. You can also find church records in compiled books, on...
First of all, Mormons are not alone in our belief that the traditional “trinity” is not taught in the Bible: Harper’s Bible Dictionaryrecords that “the formaldoctrine of the Trinityas it was defined by the great church councils of the fourth and fifth centuries isnot to be found in t...
As Warren Jeffs consolidated power, he made the FLDS a progressively more insular people. In July 2000 “he stood up in church and told the people that they needed to take their children out of the public schools. ‘The time is short,’ he said from the pulpit. ‘The prophet has direc...
task, we need to obtain and review in detail the blueprints. In addition to modern revelation which provides us with some of the details, our efforts to create Zion today should be informed by past experiences in which God’s people created Zion-like communities. How did they do it?
There is nothing spiritual in that and using the Bible to undergird that decision is "DISGRACEFUL." The hypocrisy is grotesque. Do you think that if a Democrat were accused of the same thing, there would be such compassionate, generous outpouring of forgiveness and understanding?
View the articleat Book of Mormon Central. “And there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity.” 3 Nephi 8:1 The Know In his first interview with the angel Moroni, Joseph Smith was told that his “name should...
controversial, and is a sticking point between Pentecostals and members of other Protestant churches who don't practice this. (They point out thatother Bible versessay speaking in tongues should only be done in public if someone is there to interpret the message for the rest of the audience.)...
The constitution should be treated as sacred as the bible is. Both to be held in the highest regard and NEVER changed or messed with in any way. The government should stay the hell away from it, and keep their fat traps shut. If this country would live by both, the bible being the ...
and that they were simply never worth or worth wanting in the first place. In exchange, the Nashville Statement’s backers will do nothing different than they have done before, nor will they even consider the possibility of doing so. Nothing about anything should substantively challenge the state...